[*pentô], go, reach, root [pet], [pent], go, fly, fall; Lat. [pet], seek,
"fall on"; Gr. @G[píptw], fall; Got. [finţan], Eng. [find].
<their>, will say; see [deir].
<thig>, will come, Ir. [tigim], come, E.Ir. [tic], [ticc], venit, O.Ir. [ticfa],
veniet: [*tó-icc], from [icc], [*enkô], come, reach, root [enk], [nak],
[nank], attain, bring; Gr. @G[c@'/negka], brought (= G. <thŕinig>), a
reduplicated perf. from @G[egk]; Skr. [a@-namça], attained; further
[nank] of [adhlac] and Lat. [nanciscor].
--page 366
<thoir>, give, G., Ir. <tabhair>, give thou, q.v. The G. is for [toir], a
crushed form of [tabhair], and this is aspirated on the analogy
of [bheir], [gheibh], and especially of [thug], its past tense.
<thud>, an interjection of dislike or impatience: Sc. [hoot], hoot-hoot,
Swed. [hut], whence Eng. [hoot]. The G. is borrowed.
<thug>, bave, brought, Ir. [thug], [thugas] (1st pers.), E.Ir. [tuc], [tucas],
[do-fuc], from [uc], [ucc], [*ud-ge], from [s-] aorist [*e-ges-s-t], [*e-ges-s-m],
root [ges], carry, Lat. [gero], [gessi] (Zimmer, [Zeit.]@+[30] 156-7);
whence also W. [dug], he bore, Cor. [duk], Br. [dougas].
<thugad>, <thugaibh>, <thuige>, etc., to thee, to you, to him; for
[chugad], etc., q.v. Similarly <thun> is for <chun>, <gun>, <gu>, q.v
<thun> with gen. is for [chum].
<tě>, any one, person, Ir. [tí], person, [an tí], [an té]; see [té], [ně].
<tě>, intention, Ir., E.Ir. [tí]; [ar ti] = intends (Glenmassan MS.):
<tiachair>, perverse, ill-disposed, sick, a dwarf, Ir. [tiachair], perverse
(O'Cl., Lh., O'B.), M.Ir. [tiachair], troublesome, E.Ir. [tiachaire],
affliction, peevishness:
<tiadhan>, a little hill, small stone, Ir. [tíadhan], a stone, testicle:
<tiamhaidh>, gloomy, lonesome, Ir. [tiamdha], dark (O'Cl.), E.Ir.
[tiamda], dark, afraid:
<tiarmail>, prudent; cf. [těorail].
<tibirt>, fountains (Uist; Hend.); see [tiobart].
<těde>, time; from Icel. [tíđ], Sc., Eng. [tide], Ag.S. [tíd], Ger. [zeit].
<tigh> (for <taigh>), a house, Ir. [tigh], O.Ir. [teg], [tech]; see [teach].
<tighearn>, <tighearna>, lord, master, Ir. [tighearna], O.Ir. [tigerne], W.
[teyrn], O.W. [-tigern], Cor. [teern], O.British [tigernus]: [*tegerno-s],
[tegernio-s], root [teg] of [tigh], q.v.
<tighil>, call when passing (M`A.); the [t] being as in [tigh], the word
seems a variant of [tadhal].
<tighinn>, coming, Ir. [tighim], I come, E.Ir. [tiagaim], O.Ir. [tiagu],
[tíchtu] ([tíchtin]), adventus: [*tigô], [*teigô], from root [stei@gh], [sti@gh],
go; Gr. @G[steíhw], walk; Got. [steigan], ascend, Ger. [steigen],
Eng. [stair]: Skr. [stighnute], stride.
<tilg>, cast, cast out, vomit, Ir. [teilgim], O.Ir. [teilcim]: [to-es-leic],
"let out", from the original of G. <leig>, let, q.v.
<till>, <pill>, return, Ir. [tillim] (Keating), [fillim], [pillim] (O'B.) (Ulster
has [till]): [*svelni-], turn round, W. [chwylo], turn, revolve,
[chwyl], a turn, course, while (for which see G. <seal>). Cf. [fill].
<těm>, time; from the Eng.
<timchioll>, around, a circuit, so Ir., O.Ir. [timchell]: [*to-imm-cell],
from I.E. [qel], move, go; Lat. [colo], tend, [celer], swift; Gr.
@G[pelomai], go, be, @G[a@'mfípolos], attendant; Skr. [cárâmi], move,
go. See [buachaill].
--page 367
<tinn>, sick, Ir. [tinn], E.Ir. [tind]: [*tenni-], root [ten] of [tana], [teann],
[teinn]. Cf. O.Ir. [tinaim], evanesco, Lat. [attenuo], Eng.
<tinne>, a chain, link, piece of a column, M.Ir. [tinne], flitch, E.Ir.
[tinde], ring, link, bar, O.Ir. [tinne], chalybs; from the root [ten]
of [tana]. Cf. Norse [ţind], diaphragm.
<tioba>, a heap (Arg.); from Eng. [heap] or G. [iob]?
++<tiobart>, a well, O.G. [tiprat] (gen., B.of Deer), Ir. [tiobar],
[tiobrad], E.Ir. [tipra], d. [tiprait], [*to-aith-brevant-], Celtic verb
[*bervô], seethe, boil; Gr. @G[fréar], @G[fréatos], a well; Ger. [brunnen],
Eng. [burn]. See [tobar].