Useful words and phrases
un colloquio an interview
un datore di lavoro an employer
un ufficio di collocamento a job centre (publicly run centre for putting job seekers and potential
employers in touch)
chiedere un permesso
…di soggiorno to ask for a permit to stay
…di lavoro a work permit
…per costruire permission to build
ritirare un documento to collect a document (from the issuing authority)
un contratto di lavoro a contract for a job
un libretto di lavoro document which records details about the worker and his/her previous
positions. Libretto is formed from libro+-etto=little.
un libretto sanitario document which records entitlement to medical treatment with the Italian
National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale).
libretto di circolazione car logbook, which records the details of the car and its ownership.
la patente di guida driving licence
il codice fiscale A combination of numbers and letters given to each taxpayer which identifies
him/her in the files of the taxation authorities (National Insurance number in
the UK).
la carta d’identità identity card. All Italian citizens have one. Everyone in Italy must carry an
identity document with them at all times. Nationals of other states resident in
Italy may also apply for an Italian identity card which is more convenient to
carry than a passport.
la partita IVA For those who are liable to charge Value Added Tax (Imposta sul Valore
Aggiunto) for their services, i.e. businesses or independent professionals, a
number given by the tax authorities to such people or organisations.
il fisco the tax authorities
fiscale to do with tax, fiscal. Used colloquially to mean: petty-minded, hair-splitting,
excessively precise; similar, less colloquial, is pignolo.
Language points ♦
Saying you ‘want to’, ‘are able to’ and ‘have to’ do something—the modal verbs: volere, dovere, potere.
All three verbs work the same way. They are followed by an infinitive without a preposition, i.e. you do
not put in a word for ‘to’.
(La persona) deve venire in Italia.
(The person) has to come to Italy.
Deve chiedere il permesso di soggiorno.
He/she has to ask for a permit to stay.
Può ottenere il permesso.
He/she can get a permit.