354 D.K. Stoyko et al.
assessed uncertainties. However, dimensional uncertainties cannot be reflected re-
alistically by the ultrasonic approach’s implicit assumption that dimensions do not
change along or around a pipe. On the other hand, conventionally found dimen-
sional uncertainties are more indicative of actual pipe variations as they are based
upon direct measurements.
Acknowledgments All three authors acknowledge the financial support from the Natural Science
and E
ngineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. The first author also wishes to acknowl-
edge financial aid from the S
ociety of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International, University of
Manitoba, Province of Manitoba, Ms. A. Toporeck, and the U
niversity of Manitoba Students’
nion (UMSU). The assistance of Messrs. B. Forzley, I. Penner, D. Rossong, V. Stoyko and
Dr. S. Balakrishnan with preparation of the experimental sample is much appreciated. Recogni-
tion is given to Dr. M. Singh and Mr. A. Komus for the use and help with the load frame.
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