Chapter 11
The Influence of the Cross-Coupling Effects
on the Dynamics of Rotor/Stator Rubbing
Zhiyong Shang, Jun Jiang, and Ling Hong
Abstract In this chapter, the influence of cross-coupling effects on the rubbing-
related dynamics of rotor/stator systems is investigated. The model considered in
this chapter is a four-dof rotor/stator system, which takes into account the dynamics
of the stator and the deformation on the contact surface as well as the cross-coupling
effects. The stability of the synchronous full annular rub solution of the model is first
analyzed. Then, the cross-coupling effects on the stability of the system at different
system parameter planes are studied. It is found that the cross-coupling damping of
the stator benefits the synchronous full annular rubs and that of the rotor has a little
influence on the response. While the cross-coupling stiffness of the stator always
reduces the stability domain of the response, the cross-coupling stiffness of the rotor
may either increase or decrease the stability domain depending upon its value.
11.1 Introduction
In order to improve the efficiency, the gap between the rotor and the stator of a
rotating machine is setting smaller and smaller, while the rotor/stator rubbing is be-
coming more and more common. Rotor/stator rub is a serious malfunction in the
operation of a rotating machine, which can seriously degrade the machine perfor-
mance and can even lead to disastrous consequences of the machine. There are a
large amount of works on the rub-related phenomena in the rotor/stator systems in
order to get deep insights into the dynamical behaviors and their relationship with
system parameters. It has now become well known that rotor-to-stator rubbing can
induce periodic synchronous full annular rubs [1–4], sub and superharmonic mo-
tions [5,6], quasiperiodic partial rubs [7,8], chaotic responses [9,10]aswellasthe
destructive self-excited dry friction backward whirl [2,11,12]. Since rotor-to-stator
J. Jiang (
MOE Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration, Xi’an Jiaotong University,
Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China
e-mail: jun.jiang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
A.C.J. Luo (ed.), Dynamical Systems: Discontinuity, Stochasticity and Time-Delay,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-5754-2
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010