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The World Wide Web
“The Internet” and “the Web” are used interchangeably, but actually, the World Wide
Web is the Internet’s dominant application for accessing information and services.
The Web got its name because it is an interconnecting “web” of servers and linked
multimedia documents. The beauty of the Web is that the linked relationships are in-
dependent of physical location. These are the main attributes of web sites and pages:
• They are user-friendly.
• They can contain any or all multimedia elements (graphics, audio, video,
text, and animation).
• They can be interactive, enabling interactivity between users and servers.
• They are linked via hyperlinks.
• They can be composed in frames, enabling several independent sections to
be displayed on a single web page.
Figure 12-1 takes you on a brief tour of the Web to show you a few of the stops
along this stretch of the information highway. The operative word here is “few.” These
don’t illustrate how you can do comparison shopping between dozens of e-tailers in
seconds. They don’t include the fastest-growing application on the Internet, the
matching of people in pursuit of romance. For a complete tour, log on and enjoy.
The Internet may not become a “way of life” for you and your family as it has for
so many others, but when everyone in the house has broadband access, all the time,
the Internet tends to take on an increasingly signifi cant role in family life. For those
of us who have been using the Internet for a while, it’s diffi cult to pinpoint an
activity that does not in some way overlap with Internet-based information or
services. For me, a good example is shopping. When I wanted to buy something in
1995, I drove from store to store until I found what I wanted at an acceptable price.
Now, I do most of my shopping online because I’m confi dent that I’m getting the
best available price and that I will fi nd the right shoe in my size, the exact audio/
video component I need, a specifi c out-of-print book, and a hard-to-fi nd part for the
dishwasher. Convenience, price, and selection are the most important reasons why
Internet sales are growing at about 40 percent a year.
File Transfer Protocol: FTP
Through the 1990s, FTPing was a popular Internet activity. FTP (File Transfer
Protocol) servers on the Internet let you download and upload fi les in much the
same way you work with fi les and folders on your PC. Thousands of FTP sites let
netizens download music, art, games, clip art, published and unpublished books,
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