Synthesis Gas
achieved by variation in the steam and feed rates. The methane content was de-
pendent upon the amount of oxygen used in the enriched air, or the flow of oxy-
gen to the partial oxidation section of the process. The process could be adjusted
to produce synthesis gas for methanol or OXO reactions by adding part of the
hydrocarbon feed directly to the oxidation section. The appropriate carbon mon-
oxide/carbon dioxide and hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratios in the gas composi-
tion were obtained by adjusting the volume of secondary feed and the
steam/carbon ratio of the primary feed, respectively.
1. Alwin Mittasch, Early Studies of Multicomponent Catalysts, Advances in
Catalysis, Vol. 2, Academic Press, N. Y., 1950, p. 81.
2. German patents 292615 (1913), 279582 (1913), and 293585 (1914); US Pa-
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3. Green, Industrial Catalysis, Ernest Benn, London, 1928, p. 327; Partington,
J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 40 (1921) 99R.
4. M. Appl, Brief History of ammonia production, Nitrogen, No. 100, British
Sulphur Publishing (March-April 1976), p. 49.
5. Byrne, Gohr, Haslam, Ind. Eng. Chem., 24(10) (1932) 1129.
6. Gard, Nitrogen, No 39 (Jan-Feb 1966) 25.
7. Chemical Week Report (Ammonia) (Sept 11 1965) 11.
8. Lewis B. Nelson, History of the US fertilizer industry, Tennessee Valley Au-
thority, 1990, p. 227.
9. British patents 953877 and 1003702 (1960s); Bridger, Safety in ammonia
and related facilities, AIChE Symposium, Boston (Sept 7-10 1975).
10. Catalyst Handbook, Ed. byM. V. Twigg, Wolfe Publishing Co, London,
1989; M. Appl, Modern ammonia technology, Nitrogen, No. 200, British
Sulphur Publishing, 1992.
11. Private communication, Alberta Nitrogen Products Ltd, Alberta, Canada.
12. Materials Technology in Steam Reforming Processes, Edeleanu, Pergamon
Press, London, 1966; J. K. Rostrup-Nielson, Catalysis, Science &
Technology, Vol. 5, Ed. By Anderson and Boudart, Springer Verlag, Berlin,
1984, p. 1; Howe-Baker, Hydrocarbon Processing (Nov 1995) 25 and (May
2000) 39.
13. Oil Gas Journal Special, (March 16 1998) 64; Cromarty and Crewdson, ICI
Symposium Thai Cat (1990).
14. Gas Making and Natural Gas, BP Trading Ltd, London, 1972.