MBE, where solid Ga and NH
gas were used as Ga and nitrogen sources. The substrate
temperature for GaN growth was 800
C and the Ga beam pressure was 2.8 10
Torr and
the NH
flow rate was 10 sccm. Before GaN growth, NH
was provided onto the O-polar
ZnO template at 800
C to grow a Zn
layer, which could allow the Ga-polar GaN on
O-polar ZnO. By surface etching in 0.5 M KOH solution, the surface pola rity was
confirmed. Another way to control the GaN polarity is by controlling the growth
temperature in the PLD technique.
Ga-polar GaN layers were grown at room tempera-
ture, while those grown at 700
C had N-polarity. However, Ga-polar GaN could be grown
at 700
C by introducing room-temperature GaN buffer layers.
To achieve high performance and reliable GaN-based devices, freestanding GaN
substrates are desirable. Butcher et al. demonstrated a GaN freestanding layer by chemical
wet etching using ZnO buffer/soda lime glass as a sacrificial layer.
The 50 nm-thick
ZnO buffer layers were grown on soda lime glass substrates by atomic layer epitaxy.
Metallic Zn and water vapor from liquid source was used as precursors and the optimized
substrate temperature was 430
C. From the XRD spectrum, the ZnO film was not found to
be oriented along the c-axis. After a ZnO buffer layer growth, GaN was grown by remote
plasma-enhanced laser-induced chemical vapor deposit ion (RPE-LICVD) at a low tem-
perature (570
C). Following the growth of ZnO, GaN on soda lime glass with ZnO buffer
was intended to eliminate the glass substrate and ZnO buffer layer by chemical wet etching
without any damage on GaN layers. Although the GaN layer was polycrystalline, 6 mm-
thick and 5 mm 10 mm area free-standing GaN films were obtained. Lee et al. demon-
strated strain-free thick GaN films grown on ZnO buffer layers with two-step HVPE
growth and in situ lift-off.
Figure 9.3 shows a schematic diagram of the preparation
sequence of fre e-standing GaN substra te preparation by the in situ lift-off process. A
200 nm-thick ZnO layer with Zn polarity was grown on c-sapphire using 8 nm-thick MgO
buffer layer by plasma-assisted MBE. The polarity of ZnO can be controlled by the
thickness of the MgO buffer layer through modifying the crystal structure of the MgO
buffer layer.
A1mm-thick GaN layer with Ga polarity was grown on ZnO/MgO/c-
sapphire by plasma-assisted MBE. Following GaN/ZnO growth, thick GaN layers were
grown by HVPE. During HVPE growth at 900
C in order to prevent decomposition of
GaN at high temperatures, the ZnO layer was gradually etched from the side walls by NH
and HCl gases, which were also used for the growth of GaN layers. The in situ etching rate
of ZnO was controlled by the growth temperature and flow rates of NH
and HCl gases.
During the growth of the over 100 mm-thick GaN layer by HVPE at 900
C, the ZnO layer
between sapphire and GaN layers was completely etched away. Note that the GaN buffer
should be thick enough to prevent cracking of the GaN buffer before ZnO removal. Then,
thick GaN layers were grown at 1040
C. The free-standing GaN surface roughness was
1.44 nm for a 10 10 mm
area with no microcracks (Figure 9.4). The calculated lattice
parameters from XRD data were 5.185 A
for the c-axis and 3.189 A
for the a-axis, which
indicated strain-free GaN layers. The FWHM of the (0002) o-rocking curve by high
resolution XRD analysis ranges from 300 to 450 arcsec, which is comparable with the
typical value of HVPE-grown GaN on ZnO/c-sapphire. The FWHM of the (0002) o-2 y
scan lies at about 50 arcsec, indicating uniform strain in the free-standing GaN layer.
The growth and fabrication of GaN-based LEDs using nonpolar (m-plane or a-plane)
semiconductors has attracted much attention due to the potential for avoiding undesirable
built-in field effects and achieving higher efficiencies than conventional devices using c-plane
228 Growth and Characterization