crystalline material (free nucleated material from previous hydrothermal runs) or high
purity ZnO powder that has been sintered or hot pressed at high temperature (usually
C) to obtain dense material
is processed into 1 mm
–1 cm
pieces and
put into the bottom of the liner. Single crystal seeds are cut in the desired orientation, and a
small hole is drilled near the top of the seeds. A wire is inserted through the hole so seeds
can be hung in the upper half of the liner.
The aqueous solvents fill 60–90% of the total volume (the liner, and also the rest of the
autoclave). When heated, the liquid expands to 100% of the total volume; continued
heating generates pressure, which is a function of temperature, degree of fill, and
composition of the liquid. For data on pure water at different percent fills, see the PVT
curves generated by Kennedy.
Lithium in the solvent produces crystals of greater perfection, as will be d iscussed in
Section 8.6. Before using a new autoclave for ZnO growth, quartz growth is performed to
coat the walls of the autoclave with acmite, Na
. The acmite helps protect
the autoclave from corrosion and subsequent failure in case the platinum container leaks.
Hydrothermal growth of large crystal predominately employs the temperature gradient
method. The upper region T
is maintained at a lower temperature than the lower region T
as depicted in Figure 8.4. The solvent in the lower region of the vessel dissolves the
nutrient until it reaches saturation. The hotter-lighter-solvated species is transported by
fluid convection to the colder seed region. Because of the lower temperature at the seed the
solvated species becomes supersaturated, comes out of solution, and deposits on the seed
(normal saturation conditions). Fluid convection returns the cooler-heavier-depleted
solution to the hot zone, where additional nutrient is dissolved to regain equilibrium
solubility (saturation). The cycle repe ats as long as there is nutrient in the lower zone. ZnO
growth rates of up to 0.3 mm day
perpendicular to the basal plane can be maintained for
months by using the temperature gradient method. For large crystals of ZnO, dissolution
temperatures in the lower region or zone of the autoclave are typically above 350
C; with
a temperature gradient of at least 10
C between the lower region and the upper region
where crystallization takes place. Various conditions for hydrothermal growth of ZnO
single crystals over the past 40 years have been tabulated elsewhere.
Detailed computational fluid dynamics simulations have been performed in various
hydrothermal systems to analyze the flow and temperature gradients in large autoclaves.
Uniform flow and temperature profiles are critical for the growth of large hydrother-
mally grown crystals of high perfection. Figure 8.5 shows a computer simulation of the
fluid flow and thermal profile of an autoclave used to grow ZnO crystals.
simulations were only performed on one half of the autoclave because the system is
assumed to be axisymmetric. The simulation shows that the solu tion in the upper region
primarily flows up through the center and down in close proximity to the autoclave
walls in a clockwise motion. The fluid passes through the baffle primarily through
diffusion and an opposite counter-clockwise motion is seen in the lower region. Several
simulations were done to see the effect a change in viscosity had on the flow in the
system. The authors found that changes in the thermal conductivity of the fluid had only
a small effect on fluid flow, whereas changes in the heat capacity and viscosity of the
fluid had much greater effects. Because of the difficulty in getting accurate fluid
properties such as density, viscosity, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and thermal
expansion coefficient in high pressure closed systems, the models may not accurat ely
196 Growth Mechanisms and Properties of Hydrothermal ZnO