GaN-based devices, ZnO buffer layer and ZnO substrates also play a major role in
fabrication of free-standing GaN substrates and in the nonpolar GaN growth technique.
Furthermore, ZnO offers some potential in providing optoelectronic devices and
encouraging progress has been made in the research phase. Despite this progress there
is still a number of important issues that are in need of further investigation before this
material can be transitioned to commercial use. The task is made more difficult by the
highly successful GaN which compet es for similar applications. However, there are some
niche applications of ZnO which are not addre ssed by GaN which, if explored fully, might
pave the way for some ZnO-based devices.
The work at VCU was supported by grants from BMDO through Cermet, ONR (Drs C. E.
C. Wood and Y. S. Park), AFOSR (Drs G. L. Witt, D. K. Johnstone and T. Steiner) and NSF
(Drs L. Hess and U. Varshney). They also acknowledge their colleagues, J. Nause at
Cermet, Gene Cantwell at then Eagle Picher now at ZN technologies, Drs M. Alexander
and M. Callahan at Air Force Research Labs-Hanscom Air Force Base, Dr D.C. Reynolds
(retired) at Air Force Research Labs-Wright Patterson Air Force Base for discussions. The
investigations of GaN layers grown on ZnO at VCU were carried out by Xing Gu, L. He
and M. Reshchikov.
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