and GaN-based structures under similar conditions. In the context of emission character-
istics there is no fundamental reason why ZnO-based devices should not provide a
competitive alternative to GaN-based devices in some if not all circumstances. The main
issues remain reproducibility of “laser quality” and p-type material as part of complete
laser structures. There is still plenty of room for progress in this regard as the total research
investment in ZnO laser technology is still a tiny fraction of the total investment put in to
ZnSe and GaN technologies. The prevalence of the exciton–exciton gain mechanism at
room temperature, the relatively low growth temperatures, the availability of ZnO
substrates, excellent transport properties and the possibility of micro-laser self-formation
are all factors that provide justification for continued work. However, the ZnMgCdO
system does not seem as flexible in terms of band-engineering as the GaAlInN system and
issues such as device lifetimes and stability have yet to be addressed.
In this chapter we have only considered the stimulated emission and lasing with
relevance to traditional band-to-band short-wavelength devices. Two other types of device
deserve brief consideration. As yet, no experimental or theoretical work has been
published considering the potential of ZnO for use in infrared quantum cascade lasers.
With current solubility limits the band offsets in the ZnO/ZnMgO system may not allow
for devices at the communications wavelengths but with high electron densities and
excellent transport characteristics ZnO ought to have high power applications in the
2–5 mm wavelength range. A second type of device has recently received theoretical
attention. Zamfirescu et al.
have suggested ZnO as the semiconductor most suitable for
the realization of room temperature “polariton lasers”. The polariton laser is a device
based on the strong coupling of light with excitons in a semiconductor microcavity. This
revolutionary laser requires no population inversion to achieve optical amplification,
instead, coherent light amplification is based on the mechanism of the Bose condensation
of exciton polaritons. Zamfirescu et al. found record values for longitudinal transverse
splitting of the exciton resonances in ZnO, values two orders of magnitude larger than
those of GaAs. A ZnO-based microcavity structure is proposed that would have high gain
and thresholds as low as 3 kW cm
at room temperature.
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282 Room Temperature Stimulated Emission and ZnO-Based Lasers