Maximum contaminant level goal
(MCLG, water):
for carcinogens, 321
for Category I contaminants, 332, 334
for Category II contaminants, 332, 334
for Category III contaminants, 332,
compliance with standards for, 340–341
development of, 332–335
for disinfectants/disinfectant
by-products, 494
federal standards (table), 322–331
for radionuclides, 519–520
Maximum daily flow rate, 316, 420–430
Maximum hourly flow rate, 548, 726
Maximum rate for substrate utilization,
Maximum specific growth rate, 621, 630,
Maximum yield coefficient, 630
MBI (See Macroinvertebrate biotic index)
MCL (See Maximum contaminant level)
MCLG (See Maximum contaminant level
Mean cell residence time, 629–631,
657–658, 661, 816
Mean depth:
of lake, 127–129, 195
of stream/river, 3, 73
Mean velocity gradient (G), 378–383
Mechanically aerated systems (activated
sludge), 688–690
and disinfection by-products, 502–503
filter method, 114–117
processes, 444–458
description and operations of,
design considerations for, 449–450
and membrane performance, 450–458
silt density index, 458
treatment strategies, 521
Mercury, 325, 846, 853
Mesotrophic lakes, 157
in anaerobic digesters, 813
groundwater contamination by, 212
and ion exchange, 418
in land-applied biosolids, 845, 852,
855, 858
screening of, 581
in sludge, 798
in stormwater, 557
Metals (Cont.):
in wastewater, 537
in water samples, 140, 142
(See also specific metals)
Methane-forming bacteria, 813
Methanes, 345, 729
from anaerobic degradation, 213
in drinking water, 323, 327, 471
in wastewater, 537, 727, 734–735, 813,
Method of equivalent pipes, 260–261
Methods for lateral radius of influence,
MF (See Microfiltration)
Microbial contaminants (drinking water):
federal regulation of, 321, 322, 336–339
and membrane filtration, 449
and source water protection, 495, 496
Micrococcus, 791
Microfiltration (MF), 445, 446, 502–504
Microorganism and substrate mass
balance, 629–631
Microthrix parvicella, 663
Mineralization factor (K
), 848–849
Minimum daily flow (wastewater), 548
Minimum hourly flow (wastewater), 548
Miscible substances, 216
Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS):
composition of, 622
MLSS settling test, 642–648
MLVSS vs., 623
Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids
(MLVSS), 622, 623
Mixed media filtration, 395
public water supply coagulation,
(See also Aeration)
MLSS (See Mixed liquor suspended
MLSS settling test, 642–648
MLVSS (See Mixed liquor volatile
suspended solids)
Modified activated sludge processes,
biological nitrification, 681
complete-mix process, 554
contact stabilization, 671–672
deep shaft reactor, 679–680
extended aeration, 669–670
Hatfield process, 673
high rate aeration, 671
high-purity oxygen system, 674–677
932 Index