Again use two parallel trains (17.5 ha each) and aspect ratio of 4 : 1;
then, 4W
⫽ 175,000 m
. We obtain W ⫽ 209 m and L ⫽ 836 m (only for
3 cells). Approximately, the lengths of zones 1, 2, and 3 are 318, 200, and
318 m, respectively. By adding 25% of the length for the inlet and outlet
zones, the total length for the system is 1045 m. The length of the inlet
and outlet zones may be 109 and 100 m, respectively. The depths of the
inlet, 3 treatment, and outlet zones respectively are of 1.0, 0.6, 1.3, 0.6,
and 0.6 m.
Vegetated submerged bed systems. The VSB wetlands are composed of
gravel beds that may be planted with wetland vegetation. Figure 6.64
illustrates a schematic sketch of a VSB wetland system. Typical VSB
components include (1) inlet piping, (2) a clay or synthetic membrane
lined basin, (3) loose media filling the basin, (4) wetland vegetation
planted in the media, and (5) outlet piping with a water-level control
system. The outlet structures are designated for regulation and distri-
bution of wastewater flow. VSB wetlands may contain berms. In addi-
tion to shape and size, other variable factors are choice of treatment
media (gravel shape and size, for example) as an economic factor and
selection of vegetation as an optional feature that affects wetland aes-
thetics more than its performance.
The pollutant removal performance of VSB systems depends on many
factors including influent wastewater quality, hydraulic and pollutant
loading, climate, and physical characteristics of the systems. The main
advantage of a VSB system over a free water surface wetland system is
the isolation of the wastewater from vectors, animals, and humans.
Concerns with mosquitoes and pathogen transmission are greatly
reduced with a VSB system. Properly designed and operated VSB sys-
tems may not need to be fenced off or otherwise isolated from people and
animals. Comparing conventional VSB systems to FWS systems of the
same size, VSB systems typically cost more to construct, primarily
because of the cost of media (Reed et al., 1995).
It is not clear if it is desirable to maintain a single plant species, or a
prescribed collection of plant species, for any treatment purpose. Single
plant (monoculture) systems are more susceptible to catastrophic plant
death due to predation or disease (George et al., 2000). It is generally
assumed that multiple plant and native plant systems are less suscep-
tible to catastrophic plant death, although no studies have confirmed
this assumption. Plant invasion and plant dominance further compli-
cate the issue.
It was found that the roots do not fully penetrate to the bottom of the
media and there is substantially more flow under the root zone than
through it (Young et al., 2000). The oxygen supply from the roots is also
likely to be unreliable due to yearly plant senescence, plant die-off due
876 Chapter 6