Step 3. Use t ⫽ 12 days to determine the area A required at Q
Substituting Eq. (6.229) into Eq. (6.231) and rearranging it,
A ⫽ t Q/nH⫽ 12 days ⫻ 15,900 m
/d/(0.82 ⫻ 0.84 m ⫻ 10,000 m
⫽ 27.7 ha (say 28 ha ⫽ 69 acres)
Applying the normal additional area for the inlet, buffers, and outlet of a factor
ranging from 1.25 to 1.40, the total area required for the FWS wetland is
35 ha (28 ha ⫻ 1.25) or 86.5 acres.
Step 4. Configuration: The FWS system should be designed at least with
two parallel treatment trains of a minimum of three cells in each. Say for 2
trains, for this example, the area of each train would be 14 ha ⫽ 140,000 m
The shapes of the system can be squares, rectangles, polygons, ovals, kidney
shapes, and crescent shapes. Let us select rectangles. The optimum aspect
ratio, or average length L to average width W, ranges 3 : 1 to 5 : 1. If the
ratio ≥ 10, we may need to calculate backwater curves. Using L : W ⫽ 4 : 1,
then 4W
⫽ 140,000 m
. We obtain W ⫽ 187 m and L ⫽ 748 m (only for 3 cells).
Say each cell has 250 m in length. By adding 25% of length for the inlet and
outlet zones, the total length for the system is 937 m.
In summary, the FWS system includes 2 trains. Each train has 187-m
width and contains inlet zones, 3 treatment zones (1, 2, and 3), and outlet
zones. The lengths of each zone respectively are of 87, 250, 250, 250, and 90 m.
The depths of each zone respectively are of 1.0, 0.6, 1.3, 0.6, and 0.6 m.
Note: To effectively minimize short-circuiting with baffles in the FWS
system, the inlet/outlet structures should be designed for uniform distribu-
tion of inflow across the entire width of the wetland inlet and uniform col-
lection of effluent across the entire wetland outlet width. An inlet-settling
structure may be needed if there is high TSS in the influent. The outlet weir
loading should be ⱕ 200 m
/m ⭈ d.
Multiple cells allow for redistribution of the primary cell effluent in the sub-
sequent cell that reduces short-circuiting. Flexible intercell piping will facil-
itate maintenance without a major reduction in the necessary HRT to produce
satisfactory effluent quality. Aspect ratios of the cells should be greater than
3:1 and adapted to the site contours and restrictions. Additional treatment
will likely be required alter the FWS system to meet fecal coliform and dis-
solved oxygen permit requirements.
Example 3: Use the same design conditions as Example 2. Design a FWS
wetland system to meet 20-20 (both BOD and TSS ≤ 20 mg/L) effluent stan-
dards, i.e. to meet this effluent quality, an open-water zone is required in the
FWS wetland. The maximum ALRs are 45-kg BOD/ha ⭈ d and 30-kg TSS/
ha ⭈ d for the system.
Step 1. Compute areas required at average and maximum flows as in
Example 2
874 Chapter 6