Carbonaceous BOD (CBOD), 538–540
Carcinogens (in drinking water):
disinfectants as, 492, 493
dose-response model for, 515, 517
EPA classifications of, 333–334
federal standards for, 321, 323,
multistage model for, 517–519
one-hit model for, 517
reference dose, 332–335, 523
risks of, 517–519, 523, 524
Carlson’s index, 156–157
Carmen-Kozeny equation, 396
Cation exchangers, 418, 423–424
Cation resins, 419, 425
Cations, 420
Caustic soda (in pellet softening),
CBOD (See Carbonaceous BOD)
CCL (See National Drinking Water
Contaminant Candidate List), 332
Cell maintenance, 626
Cell residence time, 649
Centrifugal pumps, 265
Centrifugation (sludge dewatering), 836
Centrifuge sludge thickening, 807–811
CFR (See Code of Federal Registration)
Channel dam reaeration, 93–94, 96–97
of wastewater, 533–542
of water, 55, 108–109, 141, 148
Charles-Gay-Lussac law, 234
Chemical conditioning of sludge, 827
Chemical constituents of wastewater,
Chemical oxygen demand (COD), 10, 535,
538–541, 557
Cheng-Ching Lake Advanced Water
Purification Plant (Taiwan), 411
Che’zy equation for uniform flow, 272–273
Chick’s law, 118–119, 474–475
Chick-Watson model, 474–475
Chloramine, 468–471
in dechlorination, 742–743, 746
as a disinfectant, 491, 492, 494, 497,
drinking water standards for, 323
and inactivation of Giardia lamblia,
481, 489, 490
and inactivation of viruses, 481
and pH of water, 323
Chloramine inactivation, 489
Chlorination, 464–473, 742–752
available chlorine, 468–469
and disinfection, 491, 492, 494, 505
dosage of, 743–746
drinking water standards for, 323
free available, 464–468
free residual, 468
Chlorine dioxide (ClO
), 491, 492, 494,
497–498, 505
Chloroform, 345, 492, 911
Chlorophyll, in lakes and reservoirs,
Churchill equation, 46
Churchill-Buckingham method, 59–62
Circular basin design, 614–617
Cladothrix, 714
Clarifiers (See Sedimentation tanks)
Class A biosolids, 843–844
Class B biosolids, 844–845
Clean Lakes Program (CLP),
diagnostic/feasibility study (phase 1),
eligibility for financial assistance,
implementation (phase 2), 145
in-lake monitoring, 146–156
lake budgets, 168–173
lake use support analysis, 158–168
objectives of, 138
post-restoration monitoring (phase 3),
soil loss rate, 173–176
state lake classification survey,
trophic state index, 156–159
types of funds, 138
watershed protection approach, 146
Clean Water Act (CWA), 137, 161
CLP (See Clean Lakes Program)
Coagulation (water supply), 371–380,
499–500, 505
COD (See Chemical oxygen demand)
Code of Federal Registration (CFR),
826–828, 841–842
of contraction, 255
of diffusion, 88, 213–214
of dilution, 474
of discharge, 255, 293, 296, 297, 585
of drag, 380–381, 396
of endogenous decay, 630
of entrance, 255
922 Index