17.4 Procedures of pragmatic approach
The steps of the pragmatic approach involved in estimating the waste-
assimilative capacity of a stream based upon a pragmatic approach can
be summarized as follows (Butts et al., 1973):
1. Develop a full understanding of the stream length, its channel geom-
etry, water stage and flow patterns, and the general hydrologic fea-
tures of the watershed.
2. Determine the 7-day, 10-year flow of the stream and select a design
water temperature.
3. Define the location of all dams and their physical features; define
also the location of all tributary flows and relevant data regarding
4. Divide the stream into reaches consistent with significant changes
in cross sections and determine the volumes and average depth in
each reach.
5. At the beginning and end of each reach, during low-flow conditions
and summer temperatures, undertake a series of field determina-
tions for at least water temperature and DO concentrations and, if
desired, collect water samples for BOD determinations.
6. Compute the time of travel within each reach at stream flows
observed during the time of sampling as well as that during 7-day,
10-year low flow.
7. From the observed DO values, flow, and time of travel, compute
– DO
, as demonstrated in Table 1.17 (see later).
8. Select DO saturation values from Table 1.2 for observed stream
temperature conditions, and compute the natural reaeration for
each reach using Figs. 1.12 and 1.13 in conjunction with appropri-
ate equations for finding the mix time M and the percent absorption
at 100% deficit R
. They are determined as the same manner of the
example in Section 16.2. Keep in mind the need to make adjustments
in accordance with weir and mass balance formulas where dams and
tributaries are encountered.
9. Calculate, by summation, the DO
for each reach as demonstrated
in Table 1.18 (see later).
10. From an array of the DO
versus t data, determine L
and K
preferably by the methods of Read–Theriault, steepest descent,
or least squares. For a graphical solution, the Thomas slope
method is satisfactory. Adjust the values for L
and K
for the
selected design water temperature by the use of Eqs. (1.26) and
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