upstream pooled waters. This source of DO replenishment must be
Procedures for estimating reaeration at channel dams and weirs have
been developed by researchers in England (Gameson, 1957; Gameson
et al., 1958; Barrett et al., 1960; Grindrod, 1962). The methods are eas-
ily applied and give satisfactory results. Little has been done in devel-
oping similar procedures for large navigation and power dams. Preul and
Holler (1969) investigated larger structures.
Often in small sluggish streams, more oxygen may be absorbed by
water overflowing a channel dam than in a long reach between dams.
However, if the same reach were free flowing, this might not be the
case; i.e. if the dams were absent, the reaeration in the same stretch of
river could conceivably be greater than that provided by overflow at a
dam. If water is saturated with oxygen, no uptake occurs at the dam
overflow. If it is supersaturated, oxygen will be lost during dam over-
flow. Water, at a given percent deficit, will gain oxygen.
The basic channel dam reaeration formula takes the general form
where r ⫽ dissolved oxygen deficit ratio at temperature T
q ⫽ water quality correction factor
b ⫽ weir correction factor
T ⫽ water temperature, ⬚C
h ⫽ height through which the water falls, ft
The deficit dissolved oxygen ratio is defined by the expression
where C
⫽ dissolved oxygen concentration upstream of the dam, mg/L
⫽ dissolved oxygen concentration downstream of the
dam, mg/L
⫽ dissolved oxygen saturation concentration, mg/L
⫽ dissolved oxygen deficit upstream of the dam, mg/L
⫽ dissolved oxygen deficit downstream of the dam, mg/L
Although Eqs. (1.117) and (1.118) are rather simplistic and do not
include all potential parameters which could affect the reaeration of
water overflowing a channel dam, they have been found to be quite reli-
able in predicting the change in oxygen content of water passing over a
dam or weir (Barrett et al., 1960). The degree of accuracy in using the
equations is dependent upon the estimate of factors q and b.
For assigning values for q, three generalized classifications of water
have been developed from field observations. They are q ⫽ 1.25 for clean
or slightly polluted water; q ⫽ 1.0 for moderately polluted water; and
q ⫽ 0.8 for grossly polluted water. A slightly polluted water is one in
r 5 sC
2 C
2 C
d 5 D
r 5 1 1 0.11qbs1 1 0.46T dh
Streams and Rivers 93