For columns 9, 10, 13, 19, 20, and 21, calculate iteratively from station by
station from upstream downward. The other columns can be calculated inde-
pendently. At station 4 (below the dam), the dam aeration ratio is given as
Eqs. (1.117) and (1.118)
This DO value of 6.45 mg/L is inserted into column 21 at station 4. The cor-
responding DO
(in lb/d) is computed by multiplying 5.39Q to obtain 23,148
lb/d, which is inserted into column 20 at station 4.
At station 11, immediately below the tributary, DO contribution is 3208
lb/d (i.e. 5.39 ⫻ 6.2 ⫻ 96). This value plus 28,068 lb/d (31,276 lb/d) is inserted
into column 20. Then computations continue with iterative procedures for
station 12.
It should be noted that the parameters H, M, t⬘, t⬘/M, and R/100 can be com-
puted earlier (i.e. in earlier columns). Therefore, the other DO computations
will be in the latter part of Table 1.19. It seems easier for observation. Also,
these steps of computation can be easily programmed using a computer.
The results of computations for solving equation, DO
⫽ DO
⫹ DO
are given in Table 1.19, and the DO concentrations in column 21
of Table 1.19 are the predictive DO values for 7-day, 10-year low flow with sec-
ondary wastewater treatment. All DO values are above the regulatory stan-
dard of 5.0 mg/L, owing to expanded wastewater treatment and dam aeration.
18 Biological Factors
18.1 Algae
Algae are most commonly used to assess the extent that primary pro-
ductivity (algal activity) affects the DO resources of surface waters.
Many factors affect the distribution, density, and species composition of
algae in natural waters. These include the physical characteristics of the
water, length of storage, temperature, chemical composition, in situ
reproduction and elimination, floods, nutrients, human activities, trace
elements, and seasonal cycles.
Of the many methods suggested for defining the structure of a bio-
logical community, the most widely used procedure has been the diver-
sity index. A biological diversity index provides a means of evaluating
522.78/1.96 1 7.87 5 6.45 smg/Ld
1.96 5 s7.87 2 5.09d/s7.87 2 C
r 5 sC
2 C
2 C
5 1.960
5 1 1 0.11 3 1.1 3 0.58s1 1 0.046 3 27d 3 6.1
r 5 1 1 0.11qbs1 1 0.046Tdh
Streams and Rivers 107