Systems in Nuclear Medicine 373
If we consider a point in the neighborhood of the singularity x
will have Equation 7.119, because the derivative of the sum is equal to the
sum of the derivatives.
x. (7.119)
However, now approximating the Taylor series (only first-order terms), we
have Equation 7.120.
x) = f (x
+Δx, u
+Δu). (7.120)
Taking into account Equations 7.114 through 7.117, we obtain Equa-
tion 7.121.
= f (x
, u
) +A Δx +B Δu. (7.121)
or the state and output equation in standard form (Equation 7.122).
x = A Δx +B Δu
Δy = CΔx +D Δu.
The validity of Equation 7.122 can only be assumed when the terms of sec-
ond and higher orders of the Taylor series are negligible, that is, when the
deviations from the singular points are very small. To simplify the notation,
we can represent the linearized system eliminating the Δ
in Equation 7.122
but not forgetting that the input, state, and output variables represent devia-
tionsfromthe singular point and notabsolute values. Thematrices A, B,C, and
D are the Jacobians of f and g (in order to x and to u) given by Equations 7.114
through 7.117. Types of Singularities
Alinear system, except for the special case where det(A) = 0, has only one sin-
gularity. If the input is null, the singularity will be the origin of the state space.
Letus consider this case, without loss of generality (in the linear case, the input
displaces the singularity in the state space but does not change its nature).
The stability of the systems is determined, as we saw, by the eigenvalues of
the state matrix A.
There are several types of singularities, some stable and some unstable [15].
Let us look at an example of each type.
1. Stable node (sink, attractor): when the eigenvalues of A are negative
and distinct, the state trajectory approaches the singularity with-
out oscillations, as seen in Figure 7.12, for a second order system.
The state equations in the example are Equation 7.123. These tra-
jectories, called phase curves, were computed using pplane7 [16] in