J. J. Pedroso de Lima was awarded a degree in physics and chemistry in
1957 from the University of Coimbra, Portugal; a diploma for specializa-
tion in methodology of radioisotopes in 1958 from the University of Brazil,
Rio de Janeiro; a diploma for advanced studies in research in science in
physics in 1968 from the University of Manchester, UK; and PhD in physics
in 1970 from the University of Manchester, UK. He was nominated associate
professor in 1980 at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of
Coimbra; aggregate professor in 1982 at the Faculty of Sciences, University
of Coimbra; full professor in 1982 at the Faculty of Sciences, University of
Coimbra; full professor in 1986 at the Institute of Biophysics/Biomathematics,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra; “Doctor Honoris causa” in
2004, at the University of Aveiro. He is a professor since September 2004.
He was head of the radioisotopes laboratory of the University of Lourenço
Marques, Mozambique, 1965–1967 and 1970–1973; head of the Department
of Physics, University of Coimbra, 1974–1977; head of the Department
of Biophysics/Biomathematics of the Faculty of Medicine, University of
Coimbra, 1986–2004; president of the Executive Board of IBILI (Institute of
Biomedical Research on Light and Image, University of Coimbra) 1993–2004;
and president of the installation committee of ICNAS (Institute for Nuclear
Sciences Applied to Health) 2000–2004.
Dr. De Lima was president of Portuguese Society of Nuclear Medicine,
president of Portuguese Society of Physiology, vice president of Portuguese
Society of Protection against Radiations, member of the executive board of
European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and of the Portuguese
Society of Physics. He was the president of the European Association of
Nuclear Medicine Congress in 1992 at Lisbon. He was awarded 22 scien-
tific prizes (special reference to Marie Curie Prize of EANM in 1992). He
is a member of the Portuguese Medical Sciences Academy (1997), honorary
member of ATARP (Portuguese Technologists Association) since 2004 and
honorary member of SPPCR (Portuguese Society of Protection against Radi-
ations) since 2008. He has published 5 books as a single author, 8 books
in collaboration, 83 papers in international journals/chapters of books, and
127 papers in national journals. He has presented 120 communications at
scientific meetings or congresses and was an invited lecturer at more than
50 scientific events.