January 9, 2009 10:21 World Scientific Book - 9.75in x 6.5in ws-bo ok975x65˙n˙2nd˙Ed
42 Principles of Radiation Interaction in Matter and Detection The Barkas–Andersen Effect
The Barkas effect
denotes the observed difference in ranges of positive and neg-
ative particles in emulsion. Barkas and collaborators provided the first indication
that π
-ranges were slightly longer than π
-ranges [Smith, Birnbaum and Barkas
(1953)]. Subsequently, Barkas, Dyer and Heckman (1963) obtained a precise result
by investigating the process
+ p → Σ
+ π
For this reaction, range measurements in emulsion
allowed them i) to deter-
mine that the rest masses
of Σ
and Σ
hyperons were 1189.35 ± 0.15 MeV and
1197.6 ± 0.5 MeV, respectively and ii) to observe the energy-loss defect of negative
hyperons [i.e., a range larger than expected by about (3.6 ±0.7)%]. The energy-loss
defect was interpreted as the experimental evidence that a stopping-power theory
based on the Born approximation (e.g., see footnote at page 17) must be corrected
when the particle velocity b ecomes comparable to that of atomic electrons in stop-
ping materials [Barkas, Dyer and Heckman (1963); Fano (1963)]. In fact, the next-
high-order correction to Born approximation contributes to the stopping power in
proportion to the cube of the incident particle’s charge (ze)
[Fano (1963)]. Thus,
it results to be of opposite sign for negative and positive particle pairs.
Furthermore, Andersen, Simonsen and Sørensen (1969) carried out high-
precision measurements of the stopping powers of aluminum and tantalum for (5–
13.5) MeV p and d, and (8–20) MeV
He and
He. They determined that the ratio
between the stopping powers for the doubly charged and singly charged ions is sys-
tematically larger than the factor four predicted by the energy-loss formula. The
computed charge-dependent correction to Eq. (2.2) was in agreement to that needed
for the range difference between Σ
and Σ
hyperons measured by Barkas, Dyer
and Heckman (1963). This effect may better be referred to as the Barkas–Andersen
effect (see also [ICRUM (2005)]).
For sufficiently slow incoming particles, the collision time becomes long enough
for allowing atomic electrons to considerably move during the interaction. When this
occurs, the exp erimental data suggest that i) it results in a smaller effective impact
parameter for positively charged particles, thus in an increase of the transferred
energy and ii) the reverse occurs for negatively charged particles. Ashley, Ritchie
and Brandt (1972) proposed the first theoretical treatment of the Barkas–Andersen
effect. Their approach was within the framework of Bohr’s oscillator model [Bohr
(1913)]. However, it was limited to distant collisions, under the assumption that
close collisions make a negligible contribution: it showed that the Barkas correc-
It was termed in this way by Lindarhd (1976).
Properties of photographic emulsions are discussed in [Blau (1961)].
These values are well in agreement, within experimental errors, with those reported in [PDB