5. Robert Pear, “CBS Pulls Advertisement on Medicare Prepared by Administra
tion,” New York Times, February 14, 2004, p. A20.
6. Jeffrey Taylor, “Is Tobacco Industry Playing Politics With Issue Ads?,” Wall
Street Journal, September 1, 1998, p. A20.
7. Lisa van der Pool, “Ad Units of PR Shops Seek More Advocacy Work, Marsteller
Adds Specialist in D.C. to Chase Growing Niche,” Ad Week, October 6, 2003, p. 9.
8. Peter Roff, “Study: $45m Spent on Issue Ads in D.C.,” United Press Interna
tional, January 7, 2003. The study was conducted by the Annenberg Center
at the University of Pennsylvania. To be included in the study, the ads had to
run in 2001 in the Washington Times, Washington Post, The Hill, Congress Daily
AM, or Roll Call, all of which are Washington publications read by significant
numbers of legislators, federal officials, and others who have an influence on
public policy formulation.
9. Van der Pool, op. cit.
10. Roff, op. cit.
11. “Study Finds Energy Issues Account for Most Policy Advertising,” Oil Daily
[Online], June 19, 2003.
12. Ibid.
13. Lucia Moses, “Advocacy-Ad Dollars Flow,” Editor & Publisher Magazine,
March 3, 2003, p. 4.
14. Nat Ives, “The Media Business: Advertising; Unions and Advocacy Groups
Are Putting a Madison Avenue Finesse on Their Protest Ads,” New York Times,
December 26, 2002, p. C3.
15. Joann S. Lublin, “TV Networks Gingerly Lift Prohibition on ‘Issue Ads’,”
Wall Street Journal, January 15, 1990, p. B1.
16. Pear, op. cit. Also see “CBS Statement on Advocacy Advertising,” PR News-
wire, January 28, 2004.
17. “Anti-Bush Ads Rejected by CBS Are Slated to Air on CNN During Super
Bowl,” Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, January 30, 2004, p. 1. Also
see Danna Harman, “Advertising or Advocating?,” Christian Science Monitor,
February 20, 2004, p. 11.
18. Jennifer Harper, “CNN Rejects Ads by Jewish Groups,” The Washington Times,
September 20, 2002, p. AO8.
19. Lublin, op. cit.
20. Ibid.
21. James A. Diazi and Carol VanOrnum, “Star Tribune Cannot Limit Ads to
Those It Agrees With,” Star Tribune, December 5, 1991, p. 25A.
22. Sethi, op. cit.
23. Herbert Schmertz, letter to editor of pr reporter, January 3, 1978.
24. Ibid.
25. Irwin Ross, “Public Relations Isn’t Kid-Glove Stuff at Mobil,” Fortune, Sep
tember 1976, pp. 106–111, 196–202.
26. “Mobil … A Case History,” Brochure, No. PR1102, prepared by Time, 1976.
27. “Top Line,” Madison Avenue, Vol. 25, February 8, 1983, p. 32.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid., p. 36.
30. Wall Street Journal, November 12, 1999, p. C24.
31. Ibid., p. 34.
32. Donald S. Stroetzel, “Why Mobil Uses Advocacy Advertising,” Public Affairs
Review, Vol. 3, 1982, pp. 32–33.
33. Ross, op. cit.
34. “Nuclear Industry Seeks to Activate ‘Silent’ Supporters,” O’Dwyer’s Report,
Vol. 12, September 1998, pp. 1, 49.