Public Company Accounting Reform
Investor Protection Act of
2002 (see also
Sarbanes-Oxley Act), 393
Public confidence in business
eroded by corporate scandals, 351
Public goods, 405
Public interest
attempts to define, 404
groups, 306
related to CSR, 411
Public interest committee of board
of directors, 420
membership criteria, 421
Public Interest Profiles, 28
Public involvement, 41
life cycle stage, 19
media strategies, 89
Public issues agenda, 99
Public journalism, 176, 213–214
Public Policy Group, 77, 517
Public policy polls, 122
Public opinion
about Microsoft, 232
advice in reporting on, 124
public support lessened by scan-
dals, 352, 354
factor in CSX suit, 326
function of surveys, 226
importance in ligitation, 316
importance in public affairs, 225
government is biggest threat, 354
likened to role of price in market
place, 382
need for lawyers to sway, 316
negative views toward media, 202
on profits, 414
part of sociopolitical environ
ment, 5
polls and surveys, 202
polls funded by Microsoft, 12
public opinion survey
public policy polls, 118
Public participation, 59
an engagement strategy, 53
as shift from wholesale to retail,
core values and practices, 57
in government, 53
mechanism used, 55
Public Participation Benchmarking
Conference, 53
Public perception
importance in litigation PR, 331
Public policy decisions
guided by public interest, 405
Public policy group relations
as public affairs function, 14
Public policy process, 14, 59
corporations preempt govern
ment action, 15
related to public affairs, 14, 17
role of interest groups, 59
Public policy publicity, 120
Public relations
advice to grassroots letter writ
ers, 257
assistance in speech writing and
media relations, 427
dealing with an angry public, 78
differing values from lawyers, 329
had ear of CEOs, 405
helps maximize corporate power,
importance of negotiation skills, 72
listing of publics, 8
reliance on mass media, 91
staff support to public interest
committees, 422
urged to take initiative with legal
counsel, 329
uses relationship model, 417
Public Relations Coalition
Restoring Trust in Business, 418
Public relations firms in D.C., 236
Public Relations Society of America
negotiation program, 72
Silver Anvil Awards, 91
supports greater transparency, 424
Public Response Group, 263
Purcell, Philip, 399
PUSH (People United to Save Hu
manity), 41
Push technology, 2215
Pulic relations firms in D.C., 236
Public Response Group, 263
Publicity to improve company repu
tation, 427
Purcell, Philip, 399
PUSH (People United to Save Hu
manity) boycott of Nike, 41