favors expected from contribu
tions, 291
individual contributions, 275
most expensive campaigns, 273
proposal for free or discounted
TV time, 387
public financing, 387
Campaign GM, 421
Campaign Media Analysis Group
tracks TV political ads, 288
Canadian Bar Association, 73
Canadian government, 241
Capellas, Michael D., 426
Capital Cities/ABC, 182
Car dealers, 115
value of mass media, 91
Carey, John, 338
Carma International, 114
Carter, Hodding III
panel criticizes press, 203
Carter, Jimmy, 145
Carty, Donald J.
American Airlines CEO’s betrayal
of confidence, 418
Case, Steve
pledge of diversity of content, 182
Casey, Greg, 277
Cassidy & Associates, 233, 236
Catalyst, 422
Caterpillar, 212
Cato Institute, 242
Cause-related marketing, 407
Cavalcade of America, 371
CBS, 106, 139, 200, 203, 204, 368
sloppy reporting, 173
news program airs child labor in
Pakistan, 51
Celanese, 109
Celebrity CEOs, 141
Cellular phone, 141
Center for American Progress, 298
Center for Business Ethics, 413
Center for Digital Democracy, 370
Center for Media and Public Affairs,
90, 174
Center for Politics, 283
Center for Public Integrity, 290, 368
Center for Public Resources., 73
Center for Resource Economics, 213
Center for Responsive Politics
candidate self-financing, 277
data on soft money, 278
former congressmen become lob
byists, 238
identifies lobbyists, 231
growth of lobbying, 230
media company lobbies Center
for Responsive Politics,
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 121
Centers for Disease Control and Pre
vention, 218
Central Michigan University
dispute with Dow Chemical, 46
as chief communicator, 427
compensation as vital issue, 395
excesses hurt corporate image,
high salaries, 353
involved in direct lobbying, 234
speech preparation, 65
GM cooperates, 360
unions push for compliance, 364
Chainsaw Al (Al Dunlap), 414
Challenger Gray & Christmas
(outplacement firm), 427
Chambers, Wickes, 60
Chandler, Robert
advice on appearances on 60 Min-
utes, 110
Charitable giving by Gates Founda
tion, 12
Chase Manhattan, 181
Chat groups and rooms, 66, 106
Checchi, Al, 290
Chemical Manufacturers Associa
tion, 15
community advisory panels, 55
Responsible Care program, 15
Cheney, Dick
refuses to meet with Green
Group, 349
seeks further reduction in gov
ernment, 348
Cheong Am America Inc., 278
Cherry Communications, 264
Chevron, 54
Chevron Texaco, 153
Chicago Daily Bulletin, 42