ownership of ABC, 181
Dodd, Christopher, 300
Dominance vs. competition
outcome of public affairs strate
gies, 345
Donaldson, Sam, 106
Donaldson, William, 391
rebukes Morgan Stanley chair
man, 399
SEC committed to vigilance, 398
Don’t Waste Oregon, 15, 76
Dow Chemical, 54, 325
Agent Orange crisis, 331
booklet on evaluating a candi
date, 295
cost of litigation, 321
controversial statement by chair
man, 46
helped by GE v. Joiner decision, 334
Public Interest Committee, 420
reaches out to retirees, 293
silicone breast implant suits, 334
Dow Corning, 373
at mercy of news media, 201
silicone breast implant case, 335
harmed by media, 94
secrecy clause in settlement, 335
silicone breast implant suit, 320
Washington PR office, 253
Drake Beam Morin
survey on CEO turnover, 426
Draper, E. Linn, Jr., 360
Druyun, Darleent, 238
Duffy, George, 87
Dukakis, Michael S.
declines Donahue show invita
tion, 210
Duke, 350
Dunham, Archie, 327
Dunlap, Albert J.
legacy of, 408
“Chainsaw Al,” 407
narrow view of social responsibil
ity, 407
DuPont, 165, 215
Benlate case, 336
Cavalcade of America, 371
CEO meets with House Speaker,
cuts greenhouse-gas emissions,
targeted by Greenpeace, 40
Duquesne Light Company, 297
D’Amato, Alfonse M., 290
e-advocates, Cyberlobby firm, 259
e-fluentials, 212
E-mail, 60, 215
E-The People, 32
Eastman Kodak, 41
Ebbers, Bernard J.,397, 426
Economic marketplace, 381
Economics Institutes for State
Judges’ seminar for judges,
Economist (The), 126, 158
Edelman Interactive Solutions, 104
Edelman PR Worldwide, 236
hired by Microsoft, 232
hires corporate governance ex-
pert, 419
Edelman Public Relations, 153
helps in Odwalla crisis, 220
“Crisis Preparation & Re-
Edison Electric Institute, 103, 266
Edmonds, Tom, 212
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation,
Effectiveness of campaign ads, 288
Eisendrath, Charles, 176
Eisner, Michaels, 100
El Paso, 351
Electoral activities, 273
Electric Consumer Power Act, 74
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs),
Electronic Activist website, 32
Eli Lilly, 163, 327
Elliot, Tims, 160
Elliott, Stephen,164
Ellis, Michael, 102
Elson, Charles, 390
Emergency Planning and Commu
nity Right-to-Know Act,
Title III, 54
Emerging issue life cycle stage, 19,
37, 58
Emily’s List, 286
Emory, Young & Associates, 264