Thomas, Clarence, 313
Thompson, Andrea, 127
Thompson, Kathy
listening skills, 60
Thompson, Melvin J., 104
Thought leaders, 27
Three-Mile Island nuclear accident, 78
Tilley, N. Carlton, Jr., 188
Tillinghast-Towers,Perrin, 321
Time, 117, 181, 203, 207
Time Warner, 121, 370
cancels publication of book, 208
example of concentration of
media, 208
merger with AOL, 187, 207, 220,
Tmeline in litigation, 332
Times Mirror Center for People and
the Press
report on “cause organizations,” 33
Tisch, Laurence, 182, 204
Titan, 357
Tobacco industry
ads oppose antismoking bill, 152
sample of ads, 161
seek product liability reform, 328
Tommy Hilfiger, 105
Tort cases expected, 320
Tort reform, 324
2002 bill fails, 327
business lobbies for it, 324
town hall model of gov’t., 383
Trachimovsky, Seymour, 396
Trade associations, 234
Transparency, 387
Travel gifts, 240
Travelers Group, merger, 355
Triad Management Services, 286
Tribune Co. acquires Times-Mirror
Co., 206
Trojan Nuclear Plant, 15
damaged by corporate scandals, 417
outcome of relationship building,
restoring, 418
Tsongas, Paul, 208
Two-step flow of mass communica
tion, 58
Tyco, 349
establishes corporate ombudsman
position, 422
Understanding Media, 145
Union Carbide, 54, 324, 325
Union of Concerned Scientists, 44
United Auto Workers, 363
United Nations
recognizes NGOs, 30
United Parcel Service, 276
United Seniors Association, 284
Universal Leaf & Tobacco, 325
University of Oregon, 46
Univision, 280
Unlimited, 258
Unlimited: Action, Adventure, Good
Times, 211
USA Today, 121, 161, 207, 426
Jack Kelley affair, 174
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 234, 251
ad campaign for tort reform, 328
Americans Working for Real
Change, 287
Computer-driven phone banks, 268
junk science in courts, 334
member of Alliance for Energy
and Econ. Growth, 153
seeks lawsuit reform, 268
U.S. Department of Education
hires Armstrong Williams, 372
U.S. Department of Energy, 54, 114
Public Participation
Benchmarking Confer-
ence, 53
U.S. Department of Health and Hu-
man Services
controversial VNR, 120
U.S. Department of Transportation
enrichment Corporation, 356
lobbied by Ford and GM, 266
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), 306
U.S. Information Agency, 83
U.S. News & World Report, 106, 203
Usenet, 105
Utne Reader, 194
Vacheron, Davidon ad re El Salvador,
Val ue co n f l icts, 78
Verizon, 154