dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) gene family, catalyze
reduction of all-trans-retinal into atROH, which then
undergoes esterification into all-trans-retinyl esters
(atRE), predominantly palmitate, by microsomal
lecithin:retinol acyltransferase (LRAT). Chylomicrons
carry atRE into circulation and chylomicron remnants
deliver them to liver, where ultimately, most are stored
in stellate cells.
In the visual cycle, atRE undergo concerted
hydrolysis– isomerization into 11-cis-retinol by a micro-
somal isomerohydrolase (IMH), followed by dehydro-
genation into 11-cis-retinal (SDR). 11-Cis-retinal forms
a Schiff’s base with a lysine residue in the protein opsin
to form rhodopsin. When light strikes the neural retinal,
11-cis-retinal in rhodopsin undergoes cis to trans-
isomerization, causing a conformation change that
initiates nerve impulses and releases the newly formed
all-trans-retinal. Reduction of all-trans-retinal into
atROH (microsomal SDR) and re-esterification
(LRAT) into atRE completes the visual cycle.
Activation of atROH into atRA uses the same
intermediate used in the visual cycle, all-trans-retinal,
but relies on a metabolically distinct route. atROH,
either from blood or from hydrolysis of retinyl esters
by microsomal retinyl ester hydrolase (REH), undergoes
reversible dehydrogenation into all-trans-retinal, cata-
lyzed primarily by microsomal retinol dehydrogenases,
RDH, also members of the SDR gene family. In contrast
to the comparatively high concentrations of retinals that
allow the visual cycle to function, all-trans-retinal
concentrations during atRA biosynthesis are kept low
by reduction (back reaction of RDH and reduction
by microsomal and peroxisomal reductases), and by
irreversible dehydrogenation into atRA, catalyzed by
soluble, , 54 kDa, high V
retinal dehydrogenases
(RALDH), members of the aldehyde dehydrogenase
(ALDH) gene family. atRA isomers occur in vivo, such
as 13-cis-RA and 9,13-di-cis-RA, but their significance
and source(s) remain unclear.
These straightforward reactions offer complex oppor-
tunities for physiological regulation, owing to compart-
mentalization, distinct enzymes catalyzing each
direction of chemically reversible reactions (e.g. dehy-
drogenation/reduction of retinol/retinal; esterification/
hydrolysis of atROH/atRE), cell-distinct expression
patterns, and multiple homologs/paralogs that catalyze
several reactions. For example, at least four reductases
have been identified, which belong to the SDR gene
family, Rrd (peroxisomal) and RalR1 outside of the eye,
and retSDR and prRDH, in the neural retina. At least
three RDH, also SDR, have been identified in the rat:
Rodh1, Rodh2 and Rodh3. Four Raldh have been
identified in human, rat and mouse: Raldh1, 2, 3, 4 (aka
ALDH 1A1, 1A2, 1A6 and 8A1). These constitute a
complex enzyme system for absorbing and storing
vitamin A, maintaining atRA homeostasis, and recycling
vitamin A in the visual cycle.
Retinoid Binding-Proteins
and their Contributions to
Retinoid Homeostasis
Processing of dietary retinoids and retinoid precursors
and biogeneration of active retinoids relies on serum
and cellular chaperones for efficient and specific
retinoid use, as demonstrated by studies in vitro and
the consequences of gene knockouts and/or naturally
occurring mutations.
Liver and other tissues synthesize a retinol binding-
protein, sRBP, a member of the lipocalin gene family.
atROH egress from liver requires sRBP, and sRBP-
atROH represents the major form of vitamin A in serum.
sRBP circulates as a complex with a tetramer of
transthyretin, which protects the , 20 kDa sRBP from
kidney filtration. The mechanism of atROH delivery
from sRBP into cells has not been established. Some data
suggest a membrane receptor, other data indicate that
cellular retinol binding-protein(s) draw atROH from
sRBP through the membrane. A third hypothesis would
have a sRBP receptor mainly in eye, the major site of
vitamin A consumption. The sRBP null mouse seems
phenotypically normal, except for impaired vision after
weaning. Feeding a vitamin A-adequate diet for months
restores vision. Although the eye relies on sRBP for
efficient atROH uptake, atROH obtained from post-
prandial lipoprotein delivery can substitute, at least
under laboratory conditions. Interestingly, atRA serum
levels increase in the sRBP null mouse, indicating that
serum delivery of atRA to tissues helps compensate for
impaired atROH delivery.
Binding-proteins channel retinoid intermediates
through the series of reactions that constitute the visual
cycle (Figure 1). Mice null in the retinal pigment protein
(RPE) RPE65, for example, cannot produce 11-cis-
retinoids, consistent with an RPE65 function of binding
the hydrophobic atRE (K
value , 20 pM), and accel-
erating their mobilization and delivery to the next step,
acyl hydrolysis and C11 isomerization by the IMH.
RPE65 belongs to the same gene family as the
carotenoid-metabolizing enzyme CMO (the mouse
proteins have only 37% amino acid identity, however),
suggesting a gene family devoted to transport/meta-
bolism of hydrophobic substances. The IMH product,
11-cis-retinol, undergoes sequestration in the RPE by the
36 kDa cytosolic cellular retinal binding-protein
(CRALBP), a member of the gene family that includes
-tocopherol transfer protein, TTP. CRALBP facili-
tates dehydrogenation of 11-cis-retinol into 11-cis-
retinal, and drives forward the trans to cis isomerization.