276 Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition
The equations quoted above for the spray cone angles of pressure-swirl atom-
izers are valid only for liquids of low viscosity, such as water or kerosine.
Rizk and Lefebvre [95] used a theoretical approach to derive the following
dimensionally correct equation for viscous liquids:
According to this equation, the spray cone angle is widened by increases
in discharge orice diameter, liquid density, and injection pressure, and is
diminished by an increase in liquid viscosity.
6.23 Radial Fuel Distribution
The symmetry of the spray patterns produced in atomization is of consider-
able importance because the fuel must be distributed uniformly throughout
the combustion zone to achieve high combustion efciency, low pollutant
emissions, and a uniform distribution of temperature in the combustor efux
gases. Although the visible spray cone angle gives some indication of spray
symmetry and the total dispersion of a spray, it provides little or no informa-
tion on how the fuel mass ux is distributed radially and circumferentially
within the spray volume.
The term adopted by the gas turbine industry for the purpose of dening
spray distribution is “patternation” and the instruments used to measure
fuel ux distributions in sprays are commonly referred to as “patternators.”
A typical radial patternator consists of a number of small collection tubes
oriented equidistant radially from the origin of the spray, as shown schemat-
ically in Figure 6.39. The sampling tubes are allowed to ll with fuel until
one of the tubes is nearly full. At that point, the fuel supply is turned off and
the volume of fuel in each tube is measured by visually locating the menis-
cus between lines scribed into the clear plastic of the patternator. Radial
distribution curves are made by plotting fuel volume as the ordinate and
the corresponding angular location of the sampling tubes as the abscissa,
as illustrated in Figure 6.39. A typical plot is shown in Figure 6.40; it illus-
trates how the spray cone angle of a pressure-swirl atomizer contracts with
an increase in ambient air pressure.
To more succinctly describe the effect of changes in operating param-
eters on fuel distribution, a radial distribution curve may be reduced to a
single numerical value, called the effective or equivalent spray angle [56,96].
The effective spray angle, 2θ, is the sum of two angles, 2θ = θ
+ θ
, where
(or θ
) is the value of θ that corresponds to the position of the center