302 Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition
airborne sound and unacceptable engine vibration when burning natural gas
with steam injection. The combustors tted in these engines contain no air
swirlers and the basic recirculation ow pattern is established using primary
air scoops. In the original design, the fuel and steam injection holes were
drilled at angles that promoted good mixing with the primary air, but did
not directly oppose the recirculating ow. As a result of the modication to
accommodate the syngas fuel, the angles of natural gas and steam injection
were both reduced, in one case to directly oppose the recirculating air pattern,
and in the other, to provide more opposition to the recirculating airow. This
led to a disruption of the primary recirculation ow pattern and a dramatic
increase in combustion noise.
A number of tests were carried out that demonstrated the importance of
the recirculating primary scoop ow and fuel gas momentum vectors to
combustion noise. Increasing the included angle of the natural gas injection
holes by 40°, and blanking off the central gas injection hole, caused the fuel
and steam momentum vectors to, once again, be “in sympathy” with the pri-
mary air recirculation pattern. This decreased the noise level from 115 dB to
97 dB, an intensity reduction of 64–1.
7.3.7 Fuel-injector instabilities
It is well established that uctuations in fuel ow rate are a major cause of com-
bustion oscillations in many combustion systems, notably rocket engines and
gas turbines. Depending on the noise frequency, it may be called “chugging”
or “rumble,” but in all cases it refers to an interaction between the acoustics of
the combustor and the fuel-injection system.
Suppose one of the combustor’s acoustic modes produces pressure pulsa-
tions at the fuel nozzle(s). If the fuel supply pressure is low, these pressure
pulsations will create oscillations in the fuel ow rate, and these, in turn, will
produce oscillations in the heat-release rate. If these heat-release oscillations
are properly located and in phase with the acoustic mode, they will add energy
to the mode and sustain the oscillating condition [16].
In addition to their inuence on fuel ow rates, uctuations in fuel
pressure can alter various spray characteristics, such as mean drop size,
drop-size distribution, and spray cone angle in ways that also affect the
heat-release rate.
The problems of oscillating combustion in gas turbines began to emerge
and gain signicance in the 1960s and 1970s, during the period when most
engines were tted with dual-orice fuel nozzles. With these injectors, there
is always a range of fuel ows, starting from the point at which the pressuriz-
ing valve opens, over which the secondary fuel delivery pressure is low and
the system is highly susceptible to the onset of combustion oscillations.
Methods of alleviating this source of combustion noise include changing
th e p rimary n oz z l e o w n um b e r a n d /o r c h a n gi n g t h e p r e s s u r i z i ng v a l v e o pen -
ing pressure [24]. Note that these changes can also affect both the combustor