Heat Transfer 329
8.8 Film Cooling
Although many methods of supplementing the removal of heat from the
liner involve a lm of cooling air on the inner surface of the liner wall, the
name lm cooling is usually reserved for those schemes that employ a number
of annular slots through which air is injected axially along the inner wall
of the liner to provide a protective lm of cooling air between the wall and
the hot combustion gases. The cool lm is gradually destroyed by turbulent
mixing with the hot gas stream, so normal practice is to provide a succes-
sion of slots at about 40–80 mm intervals along the length of the liner. At the
downstream end of the liner, the ow acceleration in the nozzle tends to sup-
press the hot stream turbulence, and the cooling lm can persist for a much
greater distance.
The main advantage of the method is that the cooling slots can be designed
to withstand severe pressure and thermal stresses at high temperatures for
periods up to several thousand hours. Moreover, the stiffness provided by
the cooling slots results in a liner construction that is both light in weight and
mechanically robust. A basic limitation of the method is that it does not allow
a uniform wall temperature. The wall is coolest near each slot and increases
in temperature in a downstream direction to the next slot. Thus, the method
is inherently wasteful of cooling air.
The most widely used lm-cooling devices are wigglestrips, stacked rings,
splash-cooling rings, and machined rings.
8.8.1 Wigglestrips
In some combustors, the static pressure drop across the liner is too low to pro-
vide the desired amount of lm-cooling air. In this situation, recourse must
be made to devices that utilize the total pressure drop across the liner. The
advantage of this approach is that it can always provide an adequate amount
of cooling air, regardless of the static pressure drop across the liner. Its basic
drawback is that variations in annulus velocity around the liner produce cor-
responding variations in the supply of cooling air.
Usually, the liner is made up of several sections, with an annular clear-
ance between each section and the next. In one early concept, the sections
overlapped each other and were joined together by “uting,” i.e., corrugating
the larger diameter and spot-welding the utes to the upstream section. This
design failed to provide a satisfactory liner life and was soon replaced by a
conguration that employs a corrugated spacer, known as a “wigglestrip,”
to connect the overlapping sections, as shown in Figure 8.2a. This method of
construction provides a strong mechanical structure, but the poor aerody-
namic quality of the cooling lm encourages hot gas entrainment. Thermal
paint tests typically indicate the presence of long hot streaks downstream
of the cooling slots. A further drawback to the wigglestrip design is that