266 Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition
essentially co-owing, then Equations 6.30 and 6.31 would be most appropri-
ate. If, on the other hand, the design is such that it favors prompt atomization,
then Equations 6.32 or 6.33 would be more suitable. For most twin-uid atom-
izers, it is inevitable that a range of operating conditions will exist over which
the mode of atomization will be in the transition regime between classical and
prompt and none of the SMD equations quoted above would be satisfactory.
The same reasoning applies with equal force to pressure atomizers. For
pressure-swirl atomizers operating at pressure differentials below around 1
MPa (145 psi), the classical mode of breakup predominates, and drop sizes are
markedly affected by variations in fuel viscosity. With a continuous increase
in pressure differential, the mode of atomization gradually changes from
classical to prompt until, at a ΔP
of around 3 MPa, the prompt mechanism is
dominant and mean drop sizes become more dependent on surface tension
and much less dependent on fuel viscosity. Normally, there is no clear demar-
cation between classical and prompt atomization; the change from one mode
to the other taking place slowly as the pressure differential is either gradu-
ally increased from a low value or gradually reduced from a high value. The
situation is analogous to airblast atomizers in that prompt atomization is pro-
moted by increases in Δ/V and reductions in liquid viscosity, corresponding
to increases in the Weber number and the Reynolds number, respectively.
6.19 Internal Flow Characteristics
In twin-uid atomizers of the airblast and air-assist types, atomization
and spray dispersion tend to be dominated by air momentum forces, with
hydrodynamic processes playing only a secondary role. With pressure-swirl
nozzles, however, the internal ow characteristics are of primary impor-
tance, because they govern the thickness and uniformity of the annular fuel
lm formed in the nal discharge orice, as well as the relative magnitude of
the axial and tangential components of velocity of this lm. It is, therefore, of
great practical interest to examine the inter-relationships that exist between
internal ow characteristics, nozzle design variables, and important spray
features such as cone angle and mean drop size.
6.20 Flow Number
The effective ow area of a pressure atomizer is usually described in terms
of a ow number, which is expressed as the ratio of the nozzle throughput to
the square root of the fuel-injection pressure differential. Two denitions of