Fuel Injection 239
The simplest form of pressure-swirl atomizer is the simplex atomizer, as
illustrated in Figure 6.13b. Fuel is fed into a swirl chamber through tangen-
tial ports that give it a high angular velocity, thereby creating an air-cored
vortex. The outlet from the swirl chamber is the nal orice, and the rotating
fuel ows through this orice under both axial and radial forces to emerge
from the atomizer in the form of a hollow conical sheet.
The development of the spray passes through several stages as the fuel-
injection pressure is increased from zero.
1. Fuel dribbles from the orice.
2. Fuel leaves as a thin distorted pencil.
3. A cone forms at the orice, but is contracted by surface tension forces
into a closed bubble. This is known as the “onion” stage.
4. The bubble opens into a hollow “tulip” shape, terminating in a
ragged edge, where the fuel disintegrates into fairly large drops.
5. The curved surface straightens to form a conical sheet. As the sheet
expands, its thickness diminishes, and it soon becomes unstable and
disintegrates into ligaments and then drops in the form of a well-
dened hollow-cone spray.
A major drawback of the simplex atomizer is that its ow rate varies as the
square root of the injection pressure differential, ΔP
. Thus, doubling the
ow rate demands a fourfold increase in injection pressure. For low-viscosity
fuels, the lowest injection pressure at which atomization can be achieved is
about 0.1 MPa (15 psi). This means that an increase in ow rate to some 20
times the minimum value would require an injection pressure of 40 MPa,
which is beyond the capability of most pumps. This basic drawback of the
simplex nozzle has led to the development of various “wide-range” atomiz-
ers, the most notable example being the dual-orice atomizer, in which ratios
of maximum to minimum ow rate in excess of 20 can readily be achieved
with injection pressures not exceeding 7 MPa (1000 psi).
6.7.3 Dual Orifice
The essential features of a dual-orice atomizer are shown in Figure 6.13c. In
order to deal effectively with problems of mechanical integrity, differential
thermal expansion, heat shielding, and carbon deposition on the nozzle face,
practical atomizers tend to be more complex, as illustrated in Figure 6.14.
This type of nozzle has been widely used on many types of aircraft and
industrial gas turbines.
Essentially, a dual-orice atomizer comprises two simplex nozzles that
are tted concentrically, one inside the other. The primary (or pilot) nozzle
is mounted on the inside, and the juxtaposition of primary and secondary
(or main) is such that the primary spray does not interfere with either the