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Page 305
induction hypothesis (in induction), 280
infinite semigroup, 186
initial state, 14
injective function, 289
input alphabet, 14
interior vertex, 288
intersection, 284
n (intersection), 284
inverse of element, 239
invertible element, 239
isomorphic automata, 153
isomorphism (automaton), 153
isomorphism (group), 241
isomorphism (semigroup), 196
kernel, 199
Kleene star of language, 8
Kleene’s Theorem, 103
Krohn-Rhodes Theorem, 262
language, 6
language accepted by automaton, 17
language generated by grammar, 79
language hierarchy, 84
language learning, 49
language recognised by automaton, 17
language recognised by monoid, 226
leading diagonal (of matrix), 286
leaf of tree, 288
left congruence, 206
left ideal, 218
left quotient of language, 157
lemma, 281
length of string, 3
letter (of alphabet), 1
lexicographic, 4
lexicon, 4
linear order, 292
linear regular expression, 135
linearisation of regular expression, 135
list, 285
local automaton, 128
local language, 129
local monoid, 243
local standard automaton, 128
locally testable language, 277
matrix, 286
matrix multiplication, 286
maximal group, 244
Mealy machine, 22
Method of Quotients, 162
minimal automaton (for language), 155
minimal left ideal, 245
modulo (a number), 34
monoid, 186
monoid homomorphism, 93