some means of regulating the specific transcription of the gene encoding the
transcription factor itself which, in turn, may require other transcription fac-
tors that are synthesized or are active only in that specific cell type. It is not
surprising therefore that the synthesis of transcription factors is often modu-
lated by post-transcriptional control mechanisms not requiring additional
transcription factors. Th ese mechanisms will now be discussed.
Numerous examples have now been described in eukaryotes where a single
RNA species transcribed from a particular gene can be spliced in two or more
different ways to yield different mRNAs encoding proteins with different
properties (for review see Latchman, 2002). This process is also used in several
cases of genes encoding specific transcription factors, for example, in the case
of the era-1 gene which encodes a transcription factor that mediates the induc-
tion of gene expression in early embryonic cells in response to retinoic acid.
In this case two alternatively spliced mRNAs are produced, one of which
encodes the active form of the molecule, while the other produces a protein
lacking the homeobox region. As the homeobox mediates DNA binding by
the intact protein (see Chapter 4, section 4.2.3), this truncated form of the
protein is incapable of binding to DNA and activating gene expression
(Larosa and Gudas, 1988). A similar use of alternative splicing to create
mRNAs encoding proteins with and without the homeobox has also been
reported for the Hoxb-6 (2.2) gene (Shen et al., 1991).
Hence in these cases where one of the two proteins encoded by the alter-
natively spliced mRNAs is inactive, alternative splicing can be used in the
same way as the regulation of transcription in order to control the amount
of functional protein that is produced.
Interestingly, however, unlike transcriptional regulatio n, alternative spli-
cing can also be used to regulate the relative production of two distinct func-
tional forms of a transcription factor which ha ve different properties. This is
seen in the case of the Pax8 fact or which is a member of the Pax family (see
Chapter 4, section 4.2.7). In this case, alternative splicing results in the inser-
tion of a single serine res idue in the recognition helix of the paired domain
which is critical for DNA binding (Fig. 7.23). This alters the DNA binding
properties of the factor so that it recognizes different DNA sequences to the
form of Pax8 which lacks this residue (Kozmik et al., 1997). Hence alternative
splicing can introduce a subtle, single amino acid change in a transcription
factor which result s in the existence of two forms of the factor with different
DNA binding specificities.