sites are active at much lower protein concentrations and will be active both at
the anterior end and more posteriorly. Moreover, the greater the number of
higher affinity sites the greater the level of gene expression that will occur at
any particular point in the gradient (Dr iever et al., 1989; Fig. 7.19).
The gradient in bicoid expression can be translated therefore into the
differential expression of various bicoid-dependent genes along the anterior
part of the embryo. Each cell in the anterior region will be able to ‘sense’ its
position within the embryo and respond by activating specific genes. One of
the genes activated by bicoi d is the homeobox-containing segmentation gene
hunchback. In turn, this protein regulates the expression of the gap gen es,
Kruppel and giant (Struhl et al., 1992). All four of these proteins then act on
the eve gene with bicoid and hunchback activating its expression while
Kruppel and giant repress it. The concentration gradients of these four fac-
tors thus result in the spatial localization of eve gene expression in a defined
region of the embryo where it exerts its inhibitory effects on gene express ion
(Small et al., 1991; Fig. 7.20). Hence, the gradient in bicoid gene expression
results in changes in the express ion of other genes encoding regulat ory pro-
teins leading to the activation of regulatory networks involving the controlled
synthesis of multiple transcription factors.
The bicoid factor therefore has all the properties of a morphogen whose
concentration gradient determines position in the anterior part of the
embryo. This idea is strongly supported by the results of genetic experiments
in which the bicoid gradient was artificially manipulated, cells containing
artificially increased levels of bicoid assuming a phenotype characteristic of
more anterior cells which normally contain the new level of bicoid and vice
versa (Driever and Nusslein-Volhard, 1988).
The anterior to posterior gradient in bicoid leve ls is required to produce
the opposite posterior to anterior gradient in the level of another protein,
caudal. However, the caudal mRNA is equally distributed throughout the
embryo indicating that the bicoid gradient does not regulate transcription
of the caudal gene. Rather, the bicoid protein binds to the caudal mRNA
and represses its translation into protein so that caudal protein is not pro-
duced when bicoid levels are high (reviewed by Carr, 1996; Chan and Struhl,
1997). As well as providing further evidence for the key role of the bicoid
factor, this finding also show s that homeodomain proteins can bind to RNA as
well as to DNA and that they may therefore act at the post-transcriptional level
as well as at transcription.
The bicoid case clearly illustrates therefore how the regulated synthesis of
an individual factor, resulting in a gradient in its concentration, can alter the
expression of a regulatory network of other genes and ultimately control the
differentiation of specific cells during development.