CHAPTER 2 A Crash Course on Weyl Spinors
in that it makes it much easier to identify Lorentz invariant combinations of Weyl
spinors, without the need to remember where to put the iσ
matrices or where
to place hermitian conjugates. Unfortunately, it is also a real pain for beginners
because each spinor now comes in four different versions.
Of course, we could avoid altogether this shorthand notation because it is not
absolutely necessary to do SUSY calculations. But there would be two major draw-
backs to this. One is that it would be more difficult for you to consult other publica-
tions on SUSY if you haven’t been exposed to this notation, which is used widely.
The second problem is that it does make calculations much simpler when we have to
deal with complicated expressions (and expressions do get fairly messy in SUSY!).
However, for the first several chapters, our calculations will be simple enough that
using the shorthand notation would not provide a noticeable advantage and would
make the topic harder to learn. On the other hand, starting in Chapter 11, where
we begin working in superspace, calculations would become awkward if we would
not take advantage of the shorthand notation of dotted and undotted indices.
So we have opted for a compromise. The van der Waerden notation is introduced
in Chapter 3 because it is a logical extension of the material covered in Chapter 2,
but it will not be used until Chapter 11 (aside from part of an exercise in Chapter 6).
By the time we reach Chapter 11, the basic concepts and tools of SUSY hopefully
will be sufficiently familiar that it should not be too much of a problem to add a
new layer of notation. We would therefore invite the reader to skip Chapter 3 on a
first reading and to get back to it before tackling superspace, in Chapter 11.
In the rest of this chapter we will only be introduced to the bare minimum of
extra notation needed until Chapter 11.
In practice, SUSY theorists work almost exclusively with left-chiral spinors,
even when considering supersymmetric extensions of the standard model (using
some tricks that will be explained later), so we really only need to focus on the two
invariants built out of a left-chiral spinor:
From now on we will drop the subscript L; it will be implicit that χ always
stands for a left-chiral spinor.
We define two new types of spinor dot products between left-chiral Weyl spinors
as a shorthand notation for the two Lorentz invariants of Eq. (2.49):
χ ·χ ≡ χ
¯χ · ¯χ ≡ χ