kinetic energy of, in MSSM, 368–370
masses of, in MSSM, 399–400
R-parity, 376–377, 400–401
R-symmetry, 375–376
Rarita-Schwinger fields, 147
renormalization, 6
renormalization group equation, 401
right-chiral spinors, 18, 28–29, 69
right-chiral superfields, 267
scalar fields, masses of, 82–83
scalar potential, in MSSM, 381–384
selectrons, 146
sfermions, 146
sleptons, 146
SM (see standard model)
“softly broken” (term), 325
spacetime transformations, 3
spinor dot products, 35–37, 54–57
spinor fields, masses of, 83–86
spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB),
325–330, 380
and MSSM, 352
in standard model, 360–364
spurious fields (spurions), 203
squared-mass matrix, 335
squarks, 146
SSB (see spontaneous symmetry breaking)
standard model (SM), 2, 351–378
fermions in, 352–355
and gauge vector superfields, 368
Higgs potential in, 359
interaction terms in, 357–359
kinetic term of Higgs field in, 356–357
kinetic terms of gauge bosons in, 356
and left-chiral superfields of MSSM, 365–367
and MSSM lagrangian, 368–371
notation in, 364
quick review of, 351–359
spontaneous symmetry breaking in,
and superpotential of MSSM, 371–378
standard particles, 374–375
states, effects of supercharges on, 140–143
stop (top squark), 146, 398
structure constants, 211
× SU(2)
×U (1)
SUGRA (supergravity), 3, 92
SUGRA-mediated SUSY breaking, 350
supercharges, 115, 140–143
superfield formalism, abelian gauge invariance
in, 297–303
superfields, 4, 241, 248–250
abelian field-strength superfield, in terms of
component fields, 308–313
component fields of, 250
constraints and, 261–268
field-strength, 306–307
and free abelian supersymmetric lagrangian,
left-chiral, 269–295
products of, 284–285
vector, 300
supergravity (see SUGRA)
superphysicists, 13
superpotential, 284–288
of the MSSM, 373–380
superpropagators, 204
superspace, 4, 110, 239–268
coordinates in, 240–242
supersymmetric transformations of
coordinates in, 244–248
translations in, 242–244
supersymmetric charges, 115–130
algebra of, 115–125
auxiliary field, introduction of,
and closure of algebra, 131
as differential operators, 255–261
and nonclosure of algebra for spinor field,
as quantum field operators, 155–157
supersymmetric gauge theories, 205–236
and auxiliary fields, 209–211
chiral multiplet, combination of abelian
vector multiplet with, 222–232
chiral multiplet, combination of nonabelian
gauge multiplet with, 233–236
and elimination of auxiliary fields,