Supersymmetry Demystified
The two-component spinors appearing in Eq. (2.15) are called Weyl spinors. The
reason it makes sense to decompose a Dirac spinor this way is that, as we will
see in more detail in Section 2.4, η and χ transform independently under Lorentz
transformations; i.e., they do not mix. The technical way to express this is to say
that a Dirac spinor forms a reducible representation of the Lorentz group, whereas
Weyl spinors form irreducible representations. This implies that from a purely
mathematical point of view, Weyl fermions may be considered more “fundamental”
than Dirac spinors. The reason why one has to put together two Weyl spinors to
form a Dirac spinor will be discussed in Chapter 4.
Note that setting either η or χ equal to zero in a Dirac spinor yields eigenstates
of γ
The eigenvalue of γ
is called the chirality of the spinor. By a slight abuse of
language, we will say that the upper two-component spinor η has a chirality of +1,
whereas χ has a chirality of −1 (this is an abuse of language because it is actually
the four-component spinor with two components set to zero that has a definite
chirality, not the two-component spinors themselves).
A Weyl spinor with positive chirality is sometimes referred to as a right-chiral
spinor, and a Weyl spinor with negative chirality is referred to as a left-chiral
spinor. However, some references replace the adjectives right-chiral and left-chiral
by right-handed and left-handed, which is quite unfortunate because, in general,
knowing the chirality does not tell us the handedness of a particle! We will soon
discuss how the handedness or, to be more technical, the helicity of a spinor is
defined, but the key point to make here is that the notions of chirality and helicity
of a spinor coincide only when a particle is massless. For a massive particle, both
the left-chiral and the right-chiral states are, in general, linear combinations of
left-handed and right-handed states. We will be careful about consistently using
left-chiral and right-chiral to describe the eigenstates of the chirality operator. As
we just mentioned, these two terms are synonyms of left-handed and right-handed
only in the massless case.
Why has it become common to use left-handed and right-handed to describe
the states of definite chirality, even for massive particles? We don’t know for sure,
but if we had to bet, our guess would be that people got so used to working with
massless neutrinos in the standard model and talking about left-handed neutrinos
and right-handed antineutrinos that they kept using this nomenclature even when