CHAPTER 1 Introduction
where the coefficients c
are of order one. As long as the momentum p is much
smaller than the scale of new physics, one can neglect all but the first few terms to
a given precision. Of course, the desired accuracy also dictates the number of loops
used in the calculation, so there are two expansions involved in any calculation.
Obviously, as p approaches
, the whole effective field theory approach breaks
down, and one needs to uncover the more fundamental theory (which might itself
be an effective theory valid only up to some higher scale of new physics). In some
sense, effective field theories are the “quantum equivalents” of Taylor expansions
in calculus. The expression
1 − x + x
/2 − x
is a good approximation to exp(−x) as long as x (the analogue of p/
) is much
smaller than 1. If we use x = 2, we are outside of the radius of convergence of the
expansion, and we must replace the “effective” description 1 − x + x
/2 ... by
the more fundamental expression exp(−x).
However, things are not as obvious in the context of a quantum theory because
even if the external momenta are small relative to the scale of new physics, the loop
momenta have to be integrated all the way to that scale. So it might seem at first sight
that no matter how small the external momenta are, since the loops will be sensitive
to the new physics, the very concept of an approximate theory does not make sense
in the context of quantum physics. However, the diagrams with external momenta
much smaller than
and internal momenta on the order of the scale of new
physics are highly off-shell and, because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle,
are “seen” by the external particles as local interactions with coefficients suppressed
by powers of the scale of new physics. A detailed and very pedagogical discussion
of this point is presented in the paper by Peter Lepage,
who has pioneered the use
of effective field theories in bound states and in lattice quantum chromodynamics
(QCD). An excellent introduction to effective field theories is the paper by Cliff
Let us get back to the problem of naturalness. The key point to retain from the
preceding discussion is that we must think of the cutoff as representing the scale
of new physics, not as a purely mathematical artifact that must be sent to infinity
at the end of the calculation.
Consider, then, an effective field theory that is to be regarded as an approximation
of a more general theory, for energies much smaller than the scale of new physics.
The question is whether it is natural to have dimensionful parameters in the effective
theory, masses in particular, that are much smaller than
. Of course, at tree
level, there is never any naturalness problem; we may set the parameters of the
effective theory to any value we wish. It’s the loops that may cause some trouble
(as always!). There is a naturalness problem if the dimensionful parameters of the
effective field theory are driven by the loops up to the scale of new physics. In that