The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is one of the world’s
largest standards development organizations with over 34,000 members respon-
sible for more than 10,000 standards. The breadth of these standards is enormous
(74 volumes), covering not only test/evaluation procedures but also standardi-
zation approaches for designating metals, paints, plastics, and the like. Originally
developed in 1898, this independent, not-for-profit organization serves as a fo-
rum for producers, users, consumers, and others in developing voluntary, con-
sensus standards. In practice, a hierarchical committee organization develops the
standards initially with a group of experts providing a draft standard. This draft
is subsequently balloted by ASTM and does not become a standard until all
concerns raised during the voting process have been fully addressed.
The test-related standards that ASTM publishes help to ensure that mechan-
ical properties generated in one laboratory are consistent with those generated
in another laboratory. This consistency is critical from a design point of view
since specific property values are typically extracted from numerous sources,
and knowing that consistent methods were used in generating these properties
is subsequently crucial. The majority of the ASTM standards related to metals
test methods and discussed in this chapter are contained within Ref. 2.
Knowing where to look for the standard does not necessarily imply that it is
easy to know which property is the most germane for a given design. For in-
stance, under the classification ‘‘fracture testing,’’ there are 16 separate standards
in Ref. 2, all very different and evaluating disparate quantities such as crack-tip
opening displacement, plane-strain fracture toughness, surface crack toughness,
dynamic tear properties, and the like. The fundamental characteristics of the
design scenario involved and the candidate metallic materials considered will
dictate which fracture property is suitable. In a case such as this where many
different test methods are available, selection of the appropriate test standard is
complex and beyond the scope of this elementary treatise.
Finally, ASTM also provides other resources to ensure that the properties
required are available. In particular, the Directory of Testing Labs
provides a
state-by-state listing of laboratories that are available to perform materials test-
ing. The laboratories are identified by the type of test performed, with an index
cross-referenced to specific test methods. Moreover, a brief synopsis of the lab,
including scope of testing, facilities, and staff, is also provided to allow differ-
entiating between the different available choices.
During mechanical testing, a component or material is loaded with either dis-
placement or force, causing a deformation and associated mechanical response
to occur. The loading occurs at a design relevant rate (impact, static, or cyclic),
and the test is typically performed in the most suitable environment for the end
use of the component. The two key components in this process that make up
the primary constituents in a mechanical test lab (Fig. 1) are the test machine
required to apply the specified loading as well as the sensors and instrumentation
used to measure the behavior of the test article.
1.1 Test Machines
The test machine, or loading frame, is used to apply stress (or strain) resulting
in axial tension or compression, bending, shear, torsion, or pressure. Although