Heat- Transfer Augmentation
ing advantages of surface tension forces to obtain thin condensate film or to strip condensate
from the heat-transfer surface. Special surface geometries or treated surfaces are effective in
attaining this goal. Heat-transfer enhancement is possible on either the shell side or tube side
of a condenser. Since the tube orientation will affect its condensate drainage characteristics,
one must distinguish between horizontal and vertical orientations.
Horizontal Orientation
Shell Side.
Short radial fins, fluted tubes, wires attached to tubes, modified annular fins with sharp
tips on tubes
Surfaces of doubly augmented tube geometries like helically corrugated
helically de-
formed tubes having spiral ridges on outer surface and grooves on inner surface, or corru-
gated tubes formed by rolling in helical shape followed by seam welding are used
Recent developments in extended surfaces for film condensation on horizontal tubes in-
clude Hitachi Thennoeexcel-C, and the spine-fin surface.
Tube Side.
Closely spaced helical internal fin, twisted tape insert, repeated rib roughness, and
sand-grain type roughness may be used.
Shell-Side Condensation on Vertical Tubes
Shell-side condensation enhancement on a vertical surface can be achieved by finned tubes,
fluted surfaces, and loosely attached spaced vertical wires
Evaporation Enhancement
The mechanisms important for evaporation enhancement are thin film evaporation, convective
boiling, and nucleate boiling
Nucleate and transition pool boiling are usually dependent
on the surface condition as characterized by the material, the surface finish, and the surface
chemistry. Certain types of roughness have been shown to reduce wall superheats, increase
peak critical heat flux, and destabilize film boiling
Heat-transfer augmentation techniques
for thin film evaporation and nucleation are:
Thin film vaporization: fluted vertical tubes.
Nucleation: For nucleation enhancement, structured surfaces are used. Structured surface
refers to fine-scale alteration of the surface finish. A coating may be applied to the plain
tube, or the surface may be deformed to produce subsurface channels or pores
structured surfaces are enhanced su~ace cavities-a pore or reentrant cavity within a
critical size range, interconnected cavities, and nucleation sites of a re-entrant shape; and
integral roughness-the three commercially used boiling surface of this
are Trane
fins, Hitachi bent sawtooth fins, and Weiland flattened fins (T-shaped fin forming)
Convective boiling: On the shell side, use integral fins, and enhanced boiling surfaces. On
the tube side, there are internal ridges, and axial and helical fins.
Flow boiling inside tubes: Linde porous coating, and special internal roughness geometries.
Heat-Transfer Augmentation Devices for the Air Conditioning
and Refrigeration Industry
Shell-Side Evaporation of Refrigerants
Enhanced tubes and their commercial names include (1) modified structured surfaces with
porous coatings-High Flux (Union Carbide), and
modified low-fin tubes such as are used
for shell-side evaporation of refrigerants: GEWA-T (Weilaand Werke), GEWA-TX, GEWA-