Recent Advances in Microelectromechanical Systems and Their Applications 267
Previous results, determined along the longitudinal lines through the center of
the diaphragm, indicate that the deformations at rest range from –20 nm to +90
nm, for the PPSs considered [40]. Furthermore, at the positive and the negative
differential pressures of the magnitude of 10 psig, these deformations are +813 nm
and –792 nm, respectively, i.e., they display a 21 nm difference, although
(according to the fundamental theories) they should be identical, i.e., the
difference should be 0. This data is essential for proper quantitative interpretation
of the signals produced by a MEMS PPS.
Using OELIM methodology, deformations of a PPS diaphragm can be
measured as a function of increments in pressure, both, along the longitudinal and
transverse lines, LL and TT, respectively, to facilitate their correlation [40].
FEM model of a MEMS PPS was developed in this study [40]. This model
incorporates the multilayer structure of a diaphragm and accounts for material
properties of each layer. It also incorporates the strain gages and their operational
characteristics. Because of the design symmetry of the sensor, half-model of the
diaphragm was used to facilitate/speed up the solution of cases considered.
The FEM model was used to determine response of a PPS to a variety of the
applied pressure and temperature conditions. It was also used to study the
structure of a diaphragm and the effects that the strain gauges have on its response
to the applied pressure and temperature loads [41]. Comparison of the
computational and experimental results on MEMS PPSs shows good correlation,
well within the uncertainty limits.
4.4 Deformations of a Cantilever Microcontact
MEMS RF switches present a promising technology for high-performance
reconfigurable microwave and millimeter wave circuits [42]. Low insertion loss,
high isolation, and excellent linearity provided by MEMS switches offer
significant improvements over an electrical performance provided by conventional
p-i-n diode and metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET)
switching technologies. These superior electrical characteristics permit design of
MEMS switched high-frequency circuits not feasible with semiconductor
switches, such as high-efficiency broadband amplifiers and quasi-optic beam
steering arrays. In addition, operational benefits arise from low power
consumption, small size and weight, and integration capability of modern RF
MEMS switches.
Effective computational simulation of an RF MEMS switch must
simultaneously combine different loads including, but not limited to, the
following: electromagnetic, electrostatic, thermal, mechanical, and aeroelastic
[19]. A representative result of such computational multiphysics modeling is
shown in Fig. 27, which indicates damping effects of air “surrounding” a
microswitch in its package.
In some applications, the damping effects displayed in Fig. 27 help control
switch dynamics and enhance tribological characteristics of the microcontacts; in
others, they adversely affect performance of the microcontacts [23].