Extreme Instability Phenomena in Autonomous Weakly Damped Systems 129
constant amplitude, regardless of the initial conditions. Namely, such a dy-
namic bifurcation behaves in a way similar to that of a
generic Hopf bifurca-
tion. This new type of dynamic bifurcation was also verified via a nonlinear
dynamic analysis.
Nonconservative (asymmetric) systems
• The asymptotic stability can be conveniently established by using the rather
forgotten but very simple and efficient criterion of Liénard and Chipart.
• The geometric locus of the double branching point (η
) corresponding to
various values of k is established via the relation
η versus λ
. The locus is in-
dependent of the mass m whose effect on the dynamic stability is considerable.
The intersection between the curve (102) or (104) and the curve
to a
coupled flutter-divergence instability bifurcation.
• The region of flutter (dynamic) instability may disappear for suitable values
of stiffness parameters.
• Contrary to existing, widely accepted results, for a positive definite damp-
ing matrix (of Rayleigh viscous type) the system (under certain combinations
of mass and stiffness distributions) may exhibit local asymptotic instability
even for a load smaller than the 1
buckling (critical) load.
• Double purely imaginary eigenvαlues (leading to a divergent motion) may
occur in case of an indefinite (infinitesimal) damping matrix, while in case of
positive semi-definite damping matrix is excluded.
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