128 A.N. Kounadis
generic Hopf bifurcation, (c) a double zero eigenvalue bifurcation and (d) a
purely double imaginary bifurcation.
• Unlike case (b) related to limit cycles, the global stability in cases (a), (c) and
(d) is due to periodic motion (around centers) not leading to limit cycles.
Conservative (symmetric) systems
• Degenerate Hopf bifurcations may occur for a positive semi-definite damp-
ing matrix and positive definite stiffness matrix; then the final amplitude of
resulting periodic motions depends on the initial conditions.
• Generic Hopf bifurcations (related to flutter mode of instability or periodic
attractors) may occur for an indefinite damping matrix. Generic and degener-
ate Hopf bifurcations may occur before divergence even in cases of infinitesi-
mal damping; a fact that may be important in applied engineering problems. In
this case, Zieglers’s kinetic (dynamic) criterion fails to predict the correct criti-
cal load.
• A double zero eigenvalue bifurcation associated with a coupled flutter-
divergence mode of instability may occur when both the damping and stiff-
ness matrix are positive semi-definite with a common real eigenvector.
• The eigenvector corresponding to an isolated degenerate Hopf bifurcation is
real, while that of a generic Hopf bifurcation is complex.
• In case of a positive eigenvalue the linearized analysis of the cantilevered model
leads to the
erroneous result of an unbounded motion, while a nonlinear analy-
sis shows that the long term response is associated with a point attractor.
Moreover, the existence of closed trajectories involving
saddle separatrices
passing through the origin may lead to a misleading conclusion. To avoid this,
one should also confirm the stability of postbuckling equlilibria via a nonlinear
static stability analysis.
• Infinitesimal damping combined with mass (mainly) and stiffness distribution
may lead to the unexpected result of discontinuity in the flutter load.
• The coupling effect on the dynamic critical (flutter) load of weak damping
with mass and stiffness distributions, as well as on the final (maximum) am-
plitude of the stable limit cycles, is also established.
• The cantilevered model when unloaded (being statically stable), strangely
enough, under certain conditions becomes dynamically
unstable to any small
disturbance leading to a
divergent (unbounded) motion.
• The above model when loaded under analogous of the previous conditions ex-
hibits also a
divergent motion at a certain value of the external load. It is worth
noting that the above cases of divergent motion may occur for
negligibly small
negative determinant of the damping (indefinite) matrix when α
=0, while for
=0 (regardless of whether λ = 0 or λ≠ 0), the determinant of the damping ma-
trix is negative but
• The case of a double pure imaginary eigenvalue may occur for an indefinite
damping matrix with finite determinant and negative ratio of the corresponding
diagonal elements. In this special case, there are
two pairs of eigenvalues in the
ρ-complex plane which touch the imaginary axis at the same point for a certain
. This situation yields local instability leading to a motion with final