88 B.V. Gusev and A.S. Faivusovich
the eigenfrequency of the layer is less than the frequency of shock impulses, then
the accumulation of the stresses of unit sign (compression) realizes, i.e., the static
component of the pressure appears when the dynamical one is not great enough. So,
the efficiency of the compaction process diminishes considerably. Limiting frequen-
cies presents in [1, 2] for which the unloading of the layer is reached in each cycle of
vibrations. Thereby, the possibility for optimization of the compaction regimes is
connected to choice of optimal values of the dimensionless eigenfrequencies
and maximal frequency of forced impacts taking into account constraints above
The frequency spectrum of driving force has an essential sense for shock and
vibration regimes of vibrations. The increase of dynamical impacts on the concrete
mix can be reached via approaching the eigenfrequencies to one of the driving
force harmonic. Note, that the tuning out resonance is not necessary in view of not
great grows of the vibration amplitudes.
The recommendations on the dynamical computations with optimization are
given in [1, 2]. As for the dynamical computations in whole, the basic problem is
to find the dynamical system characteristics in such way, that to exclude the tray
service at the resonance regimes taking into account the longevity constraints. It is
also important to achieve even distribution of the vibration amplitudes along the
surface of the tray at the expense of rational placement of the vibroexciters.
Note the one important speciality of obtained solutions. Since, the value
P is
normalized, the value
(eigenvalue of free loading structure) is found using the
frequency equations. It is seen from fig. 4 that this value can be defined by chang-
ing the values
D , l ,
C ,
The steel intensity of the cell (form) will be different for each case. The analy-
sis of the equations (28) and (29) shows that the minimal value of the steel inten-
sity is reached at the maximal values for
k . So, it is necessary to tend to the
following values for parameter
C : for shock and vibration machines –
300C ≥ ;
for shock machines –
C →∞; for vibration machines –
5C ≤ .Up to now all ele-
ments of FFM are designed separately. It can lead to unexpected phenomena:
exploitation of the tray forms in resonance regimes due to a compact spectrum
of the eigenfrequencies;
irregularity in the distribution of the vibration amplitudes along the surface;
necessity to grow shock actions on the forms and to increase its steel intensity.
The engineering methodic for dynamical computations with optimization of the
process, the laboratory and full-scale experience of application of the form with
improved dynamics parameters are given in [1, 2].
3 Conclusion
The realized complex of theoretic and experimental researches, including the iden-
tification of the structural and mechanical characteristics of the viscoelastic media