Directional Distortional Hardening in Plasticity within Thermodynamics 77
hardening performs consistently better. For some data sets the addition of directional
distortion hardening results in more dramatic improvement (e.g., Fig. 12(b) with
= 0.210σ
), while in others the improvement is minor (e.g., Fig. 12(a) with
= 0.353σ
). Nonetheless, from Fig. 12 it is clear that directional distortional
hardening improves the simulation of stress controlled biaxial ratchetting.
It is very importance to accurately model the shape of the yield surface when using
the associative flow rule not only for capturing accurately the yield point, but mainly
because any deviation in shape may result in significant deviation of the direction
of the normal to the yield surface and, thus, of the coaxial plastic strain increment,
which during cyclic loading and resulting ratcheting accumulates the error to unac-
ceptable levels. Three different models were developed within thermodynamics by
Feigenbaum and Dafalias [5, 6] capturing this phenomenon of directional distortion
of the yield surface, and for the first time are presented in unison in this paper. The
Feigenbaum and Dafalias model [5] (i.e., the A
A-model) uses a fourth order tensor
and a scalar multiplier to capture directional distortion, and is the most successful
in data fitting, albeit the most complex as well, of the three models. In particular
this model is used to simulate experimental data from biaxial cyclic loading test
showing the improvement of simulations for ratchetting obtained by the introduced
directional distortional hardening scheme as compared with simulations which do
not involve directional distortion of the yield surface.
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