Context variables can be determined by considering sensing conditions and
background causal conditions.
Controllable variables are those whose values can be set by intervention in
the domain environment (as opposed to simply observing their value).
It is important to note that the roles of nodes may change, depending how the BN
is to be used. It is often useful to work backwards by identifying the query variables
and “spreading out” to the related variables.
Let us return to the cancer diagnosis example used throughout Chapter 2 and look
at it in terms of variable identification. The main interest of medical diagnosis is
identifying the disease from which the patient is suffering; in this example, there are
three candidate diagnoses. An initial modeling choice might be to have the query
node Disease, with the observation nodes being Dyspnoea (shortness of breath),
which is a possible symptom, and X-ray, which will provide another source of infor-
mation. The context variables in this case are the background information about the
patient, such as whether or not he is a Smoker, and what sort of exposure to Pollution
he has had. In this simple diagnosis example, nothing has been described thus far
that plainly falls into the category of a controllable variable. However, the doctor
may well prefer to treat Smoker as a controllable variable, instead of as context, by
attempting to get the patient to quit smoking. That may well turn into an example of
a not-fully-effective intervention, as many doctors have discovered! Types of values
When considering the variables, we must also decide what states, or values, the vari-
able can take. Some common types of discrete nodes were introduced in
Boolean nodes, integer valued or multinomial categories. For its simplicity, and be-
cause people tend to think in terms of propositions (which are true or false), Boolean
variables are very commonly employed. Equivalently, two-valued (binary) variables
may be used, depending upon what seems most natural to the users. For example,
when modeling the weather, the main weather node could be called Weather,and
take the values
fine, wet , or the node could be made a Boolean called FineWeather
and take the values
T, F . Other discrete node types will likely be chosen when
potential observations are more fine-grained. Common modeling errors
Discrete variable values must be exhaustive and exclusive, which means that the
variable must take on exactly one of these values at a time. Modeling mistakes re-
lating to each of these factors are common. For example, suppose that a preliminary
choice for the Disease query node is to give it the values
lungCancer, bronchi-
tis, tuberculosis
. This modeling choice isn’t exhaustive, as it doesn’t allow for the
possibility of another disease being the cause of the symptoms; adding a fourth alter-
alleviates the problem. However, this doesn’t solve the second problem,
since taking these as exclusive would imply that the patient can only suffer from one
of these diseases. In reality it is possible (though of course uncommon) for a patient
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