done on variables that represent speed, weight, age, energy units, le ngth, pressure,
temperature, and altitude. We are subject to greater restrictions if we wish to
process numerically a variable that represents hair color, eye color, gender,
or geographic location. The type of hypothesis test that can be applied to make
statistical inferences depends on th e nature of the random variable(s) measured in
the experiment.
Variables can be broadly classified into three categories based on the type of
measurement scale used.
(1) Cardinal variables Cardinal variables are numeric measurements that are of either
continuous or discrete nature. These variables follow one of two measurement scales.
(a) Ratio scale According to this scale, the number 0 means absence of the quantity
being measured. Examples include age, weight, length, pressure, charge, current,
speed, and viscosity. The zero point of a ratio scale is immutable. A ratio of two
numbers on this scale indicates the proportionality between the two quantities.
If box A weighs 40 kg, box B weighs 20 kg and box C weighs 10 kg, then box A is
twice as heavy as box B, and box A is four times heavier than box C. Naturally
then, box B is twice as heavy as box C. Even if we convert the measurement scale
from kilograms to pounds, we would find the proportionality to be exactly the
same. M easurements of intervals and ratios on this scale provide meaningful
(b) Interval scale The zero position on this scale doe s not mean absence of the
quantity being measured. As a result, ratios of numbers have little meaning on
this scale. Examples include the Fahrenheit scale and Celsius scale for measuring
temperature, in which the zero point is arbitrary and has different meaning for
each scale.
(2) Ordinal variables Variables of this type are numbers specifying categories that can
be ranked in a particular order. For example, a child’s mastery of a skill may be
ranked as: not developed, in progress, or accomplished. Each skill category is given a
number such that a higher number indicates greater progress. More examples of
ordinal variables include movie ratings, ranking of items according to preference,
ranking of children in a class according to height or test scores , ranking of pain on a
scale of 1 to 10, and Apgar scores ranging from 0 to 10 assigned to indicate the health
of a baby at the time of birth. There is no unifor mity in the differences between any
two rankings. The ranks are based on subjective criteria. Therefore, limited arith-
metic can be performed on ordinal variables, and mean and standard deviation of
the distribution of ordinal data is not defined. Median and mode are relevant
descriptive statistics for this variable type.
(3) Nominal or categorical variables These variables are not numbers that can be
manipulated or ranked in any way but are observations according to which individ-
uals or objects in a sample can be classified. The non-numeric values that categorical
variables take on are mutually exclusive traits, attributes, classes, or categories that
all together are exhaustive. Examples of categorical variables include gender: male
or female, bacteria type: gram positive or gram negative, smoking status: smoker or
non-smoker, natural hair color: black, brown, red or blonde, and marital status:
single, married, divorced, or widowed. Based on the distribution of a categorical
variable within a sample, numbers can be assigned to each value of the categorical
variable, indicating the proportion of that category or trait within the sample.
In any experiment, measurements are made on people, animals, and objects such
as machines, solutions contained in beakers, or flowing particles. Every individual or
4.3 Testing a hypothesis