categorized as “All except Subway” will purchase a normal calorific meal of
<1000 calori es. Repeat for Subway customers.
(d) Wh at is the probability that three Subway patrons do not see calorie informa-
tion and yet all three purchase a very high calorie content meal (≥1250
(e) What is the probability that three Subway patrons see calorie information and
yet all three purchase a very high calorie content meal (≥1250 calories)?
(f) **If there are ten people who enter a Subway chain, and five individuals see the
calorie information and five do not, what is the probability that exactly five
people will purchase a normal calorific meal of <1000 calories? Compare your
answer with that available from the binomial distribution plotted in (c). Why is
the probability calculated in (f) less than that in (c)?
(g) **If all ten people who purchase their meal from a Subway restaurant admit to
viewing the calorie information before making their purchase, and if three out of
the ten people report that the information did not influence their purchase, then
determine the probability that exactly three of the ten customers purchased a
meal with calorie content greater than 1000. Compare your answ er with that
available from the binomial distribution plotted in (c). How is your answer
different, and why is that so?
3.4. An experiment W yields n outcomes. If S is the sample space then S =(ξ
, ξ
, ξ
, ...,
), where ξ
is any of the n outcomes. An event is a subset of any of the n outcomes
produced when W is performed, e.g. E
, ξ
, ξ
, ξ
). An event is said to
occur when any of the outcomes defined within the set occurs. For example, if a six-
sided die is thrown and the event E is defined as (1, 2, 3), then E occurs if either a 1, 2,
or 3 shows up. An event can contain none of the outcomes (the impossible event),
can contain all of the outcomes (the certain event), or be any combination of the n
outcomes. Using the binomial theorem,
x þ aðÞ
and your knowledge of combinato rics, determine the total number of events (sub-
sets) that can be generated from W.
3.5. Reproduce Figure 3.4 by simulating the binomial experiment using a computer. Use
the MATLAB uniform random number generator rand to generate a random
number x between 0 and 1. If x ≤ p, then the outcome of a Bernoulli trial is a success.
If x > p, then the outcome is a failure. Repeating the Bernoulli trial n times generates
a Bernoulli process characterized by n and p. Perform the Bernoulli process 100, 500,
and 1000 times and keep track of the number of successes obtained for each run. For
each case
(a) plot the relative frequency or probability distribution using the bar function;
(b) calculate the mean and variance and compare your result with that provided by
Equations (3.15) and (3.18).
3.6. Show that the mean and variance for a Poisson probability distribution are both
equal to the Poisson parameter γ.
3.7. Dizziness is a side-effect of a common type II diabetic drug experienced by 1.7 people
in a sample of 100 on average. Using a Poisson model for the probability distribu-
tion, determine the probability that
(a) no person out of 100 patients treated with this drug will experience dizziness;
(b) exactly one person out of 100 patients treated with this drug will experience
Probability and statistics