sample are compared with the population mean blood pressure of the non-diabetic
fraction of the adult population. The exact method of comparison will depend upon
the statistica l test chosen.
We also rewrite our original hypothesis in terms of two contradicting statements.
The first statement is called the null hypothesis and is denoted by H
“People with type-2 diabetes have the same blood pressure as healthy people.”
This statement is the opposite of what we suspect. It is this statement that is tested
and will be either retained or rejected based on the evidence obtained from the study.
Due to inherent sampling error, we do not expect the differences between the two
populations to be exactly zero even if H
is true. Some difference in the mean blood
pressures of the samples derived from both populations will be observed irrespective
of whether H
is true or not. We want to know whether the observed dissimilarity
between the two samples is due to natural sampling varia tion or due to an existing
difference in the blood pressure characteristics of the two populations. Hypothesis
testing searches for this answer. A statistical test assumes that the null hypothesis is
true. The magnitude of deviation of the sample mean (mean sample blood pressure
of type-2 diabetics) from the expecte d value under the null hypothesis (mean blood
pressure of healthy individuals) is calculated. The extent of deviation provides clues
as to whether the null hypothesis should be retained or rejected.
We also formulate a second statement:
“People with type-2 diabetes have a blood pressure that is different from that of healthy
This statement is the same as the original research hypothesis, and is called the
alternate hypothesis. It is designated by H
. Note that H
and H
are mutually
exclusive events and together exhaust all possible outcomes of the conclusion.
If the blood pressure readings are similar in both populations, then the data will
not appear incompatible with H
. We say that “we fail to reject the null hypothesis”
or that “there is insufficient evidence to reject H
.” This does not mean that we accept
the null hypothesis. We do not say that “the evidence supports H
.” It is possible that
the data may support the alternate hypothesis. Perhaps the evidence is insufficient,
thereby yielding a false negative, and availability of more data may establish a
significant difference between the two samples and thereby a rejection of H
. Thus,
we do not know for sure which hypothesis the evidence supports. Remember, while
our data cannot prove a hypothesis, the data can contradict a hypothesis.
If the data are not compatible with H
as inferred from the statistical analysis,
then we reject H
. The criterion for rejection of H
is determined before the study is
performed and is discussed in Section 4.3. Rej ection of H
automatically means that
the data are viewed in favor of H
since the two hypotheses are complementary.
Note that we do not accept H
, i.e. we cannot say that H
is true. There is still a
possibility that H
is true and that we have obtained a false positive. However, a
“significant result,” i.e. one that supports H
, will warrant further investigation for
purposes of confirmation. If H
appears to be true, subsequent action may need to
be taken based on the scientific significance (as opposed to the statistical significance)
of the result.
On the other hand, the statement posed by the null hypothesis is
A statistically significant result implies that the populations are different with respect to a population
parameter. But the magnitude of the difference may not be biologically (i.e. scientifically) significant.
For example, the statistical test may provide an interval estimate of the difference in blood pressure of
Hypothesis testing