test if the samples are drawn from populations that have the same variance. Although
not discussed here, you can find a discussion on performing hypothesis tests on
population variances in numerous statistical textbooks.
If H
is true, then all populations have mean equal to μ. The “within-groups” and
“among-groups” estimates of the population variance will usually be close in value.
The group means will fluctuate about the grand (or estimated population) mean
according to a SEM of σ=
, and within each group the data points will vary about
their respective group mean according to a standard deviation of σ. Accordingly, the
F ratio will have a value close to unity. W e do not expect the value of the test statistic
to be exactly one even if H
is true since unavoidable sampling error compromises
the precision of our estimates of the population variance σ
If H
is not true, then at least one population mean differs from the others. In such
situations, the MS(among) estimate of the population variance will be greater than the
true population variance. This is because at least one group mean will be located much
further from the grand mean than the other means. It may be possible that all of the
population means are different and, accordingly, that the group means vary signifi-
cantly from one another. When the null hypothesis is false, the F ratio will be much
larger than unity. By assigning a significance level to the test, one can define a rejection
region of the F curve. Note that the rejection region lies on the right-hand side of the
F curve. If the calculated F statistic is greater than the critical value of F that
corresponds to the chosen significance level, then the null hypothesis is rejected and
we conclude that the population means are not all equal. When we reject H
, there is a
probability equal to the significance level that we are making a type I error. In other
words, there is a possibility that the large deviation of the group means from the grand
mean occurred by chance, even though the population means are all equal. However,
because the probability of such large deviations occurring is so small, we conclude that
the differences observed are real, and accordingly we reject H
A limitation of the one-way ANOVA is now apparent. If the test result is
significant, all we are able to conclude is that not all population means are equal.
An ANOVA cannot pinp oint populations that are different from the rest. If we wish
to classify further the populations into different groups, such that all populations
within one group have the same mean, we must perform a special set of tests called
multiple comparison procedures. In these pro cedures, all unique pairs of sample
means are compared with each other to test for significant differences. The samples
are then grouped together based on whether their means are equal. The advantage of
these procedures over the t test is that if the null hypothesis is true, then the overall
probability of finding a significant difference between any pair of means and thereby
making a type I error is capped at a predefined significance level α. The risk of a type I
error is well managed in these tests, but the individual significance tests for each pair
are rather conservative and thus lower in power than a single t test performed at
significance level α. Therefore, it is important to clarify when use of multiple
comparison procedures is advisable.
If the decision to make specific comparisons between certain samples is made
prior to data collection and subsequent analysis, then the hypotheses formed are
specific to those pairs of samples only, and such comparisons are said to be
“planned.” In that case, it is correct to use the t test for assessing significance. The
conclusion involves only those two populations whose samples are compared.
For a t test that is performed subsequent to ANOVA calculations, the estimate of
the common population variance s
can be obtained from the MS(within)
estimate calculated by the ANOVA procedure. The advantages of using MS(within)
4.8 One-way ANOVA